Bruno Lena

2715 13th St Columbus NE 68601-4916
Download vCard for Bruno Patias Lena
Bachelor’s degree in Agronomy (2010) and MSc and PhD degree in Agricultural System Engineering (2016). Worked two years as an Assistant Professor at Mid-West State University in Brazil. Worked for three years as a Post-Doctorate at Auburn University. Have 15+ years of experience with crop water demand, irrigation scheduling, soil moisture sensing technologies, soil-water-plant-atmosphere relations, and precision irrigation.<br>I help producers within Platte, Boone, and Nance Counties to find the best management practices that fit their daily operations, increase their profitability, and reduce environmental impact. Use of soil moisture sensor-based irrigation schedule to promote irrigation best management practices. Use conservation practices to mitigate the nitrate issues in the groundwater. Develop management plans for more resilient farming. Use of high levels of interaction, such as co-learning and co-participatory extension approaches, to increase the adoption and retention of more efficient, profitable, and sustainable farming practices.


  • BS, Londrina State University, 2010
  • MS, "Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture, 2013
  • Ph D, "Luiz de Queiroz" College of Agriculture, 2016

icon-business-chartResearch & Grants

  • EZ 7 Eastern NE Awareness Water Applicat, Ne Soybean Board, October 2022
Map of foreign land ownership in US by county
This webinar features Dave Aiken, UNL professor and agricultural and water law specialist, and Larry Van Tassell, UNL professor and Center for Agricultural Profitability director. (USDA FSA image)

Webinar: Foreign Investment in the U.S. and Ag Land Ownership Restrictions

October 12, 2023
Center for Ag Profitability experts examine the current state and implications of foreign investment in agricultural land in the U.S. and Nebraska.

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Field of sorghum
Historical crop production reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska Crop Production Report for October 2023

October 12, 2023
Although estimates have decreased since September, sorghum continues to lead Nebraska's crop production forecasts at a 153% increase from last year.

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Young farm couple talking in field
Estate planning goes beyond creating a will and assigning beneficiaries to inherit land after a death — it's also important for farmers and ranchers to consider what medical care they want to receive if a debilitating illness or accident leaves them unable to make decisions.

Are You a Farmer or Rancher Over 18? It’s Time for an Estate Plan

October 12, 2023
Often, the risk of failure for a farm caused by the unexpected death or disability of a young person is much greater than the loss of an older member. In this article, learn more about the key components of creating an estate plan for young producers. 

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Cattle grazing pasture
The 2023 Cover Crop Grazing Conference will feature keynote speakers Dr. Bart Lardner, University of Saskatchewan, and Dr. Mary Drewnoski, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Nebraska Extension Provides Cover Crop Grazing Conference Nov. 7

October 12, 2023
This expo will help first-time and experienced farmers looking to fine-tune their grazing management utilizing cover crops as an alternative forage source.

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Organic corn field
Nebraska Extension's workshop "Starting an Organic Grain Farming Operation — What You Need to Know" on Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024 is free to the public with pre-registration.

Organic Grain Production Topic of Nov. 8 Conference

October 12, 2023
Experts will review vital information for producers interested in transitioning to organic production of corn, soybeans, wheat, grain sorghum and forage crops.

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Closeup of combine harvesting soybean
While soybean residue can be grazed, it has much lower crude protein levels than soybeans, so producers using soybean residue as feed should also supplement to meet a dry cow's nutrient requirements..

Pasture and Forage Minute: Prussic Acid Following Freeze, Soybean Residue for Forage

October 12, 2023
Learn more about avoiding prussic acid poisoning in sorghum following a freeze, and why producers should always supplement when feeding soybean residue.

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Corn field at harvest
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Conditions Decline Slightly, Winter Wheat Planting Nears End

October 12, 2023
Crop conditions and soil moisture supplies in Nebraska decreased slightly from last week. Harvest progress stayed on track, with soybeans and dry beans over 50% finished.

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Center pivot in soybeans

Impact of R Stage-timed Single Irrigation Events on Soybean Seed Number and Seed Mass

October 11, 2023
Results of a three-year study investigating the impact of mitigating water stress during soybean reproductive stages on the two components that comprise yield — seed number and seed mass.

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