UNL CropWatch May 7, 2010: Evaluating Corn Stands

May 7, 2010

Table 1. Row length required to equal 1/1000 acre for various row widths.

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UNL CropWatch May 7, 2010: Early Cutting Alfalfa Offers Benefits

May 7, 2010

Your first cutting of alfalfa often is the most important one of the year. It usually produces the most yield and its forage quality changes fastest from day to day. With some seasons, determining the right time for the first cutting can be a little tricky.

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UNL CropWatch May 7, 2010: Controlling Postemergence Weeds in Alfalfa

May 7, 2010

Vigorous weed growth this spring may be making it extra tough for alfalfa seedlings to compete.

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UNL CropWatch May 7, 2010: Be Strategic in Harvesting Sunlight

May 7, 2010

Costs for many inputs such as seed, fertilizer, pesticides, fuel, hay and supplements seem to just keep rising, but miraculously, the most important input — sunlight  — is still free.

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UNL CropWatch May 7, 2010: Wireworms Pose Minimal Threat to Nebraska Dry Beans

May 7, 2010

Last week I was asked, “Will a sugarbeet field that was wireworm-infested last year spell trouble for dry beans if I plant them into that same field this year?” The answer is, probably not. Here's why.

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UNL CropWatch May 7, 2010: Field Updates

May 7, 2010, updated May 10, 2010

May 10, 2010

Tom Dorn, Extension Educator in Lancaster County:  Corn planting is nearly complete in Lancaster County. About 80% of the corn is in the 1- to 2-leaf stage. A small percentage of soybeans had pushed through the surface as of last Friday.

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