Brad Lubben

Director of the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center

Work Filley Hall (FYH) 207A
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
Work 402-472-2235 On campus, dial 2-2235
Download vCard for Brad Lubben
Brad Lubben is an Extension Associate Professor, Policy Specialist, and Director of the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has nearly 30 years of experience in teaching, research, and extension, focusing on agricultural policy and agricultural economics and working in Illinois, Kansas, and Nebraska. Brad's expertise includes federal farm policy and agricultural policy development and risk management education. Brad grew up on a grain and livestock farm near Burr, southeast of Lincoln and holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Ph.D. from Kansas State University.

Faculty Bio

Farm field
Offered since 2019, the Land Management Quarterly webinars address common management issues for Nebraska landowners, ag operators and related stakeholders interested in the latest insight on trends in real estate, managing ag land and solutions for addressing challenges in the upcoming growing season.

Ag Land Management Webinar to Offer the Latest on Cash Rents, Lease Arrangements for 2023

August 4, 2023
The Aug. 21 webinar will cover recent findings from the 2023 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report, including updates on average cash rental rates, land values and trends in flexible cash lease arrangements.

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Corn silage harvesting
Target silage storage moisture content should be 65%-70% moisture, as drier silage can overheat and spoil, and higher moisture content may cause loss of nutrients.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Corn Silage Harvest and Storage, Rejuvenating Thin Alfalfa

August 3, 2023
Extension educators share recommendations on strategies for silage harvest and storage, and ways to improve thinning alfalfa fields to delay the need for a complete reseeding.

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Hail damaged corn fields
Photos taken July 24 following the storm. Left shows one of the popcorn competition plots and at right is one of the sprinkler corn competition plots. (Photos by Krystle Rhoades)

TAPS Corn Fields Battered by Hail for First Time in Competition History

August 3, 2023
The TAPS team estimated there was approximately 35%-50% leaf defoliation and consequently, corn yield loss is currently anticipated to be 17%-31% for the 2023 competition. 

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Drought monitor

Weekly Weather Update: Aug. 3, 2023

August 3, 2023
In the last week, numerous areas in the eastern half of the state received upwards of five inches of rain, relieving severe drought conditions in several counties — particularly in central Nebraska.

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Corn yield forecast map 2023

2023 Corn Yield Forecasts as of Aug. 2

August 3, 2023
There continues to be a high probability of near-average yields for most irrigated sites in the Corn Belt, while expectations for rainfed corn sites are diverse across the region.

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Soybean aphids on leaf

Although at Low Levels, Soybean Aphids are in Nebraska

August 2, 2023
With soybean aphid infestations, it's important to preserve natural enemies under an integrated pest management approach, as well as treating only when pest populations reach economic or treatment thresholds, to let beneficial insects do their work.

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Soybean aphid

Soybean Aphid Scouting and Management

August 2, 2023
Soybean aphids in Nebraska typically reach the economic threshold and require treatment in late July through August. Treatment during this time is usually enough to keep aphid populations from resurging before they leave fields for the season. 

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Field plot sign
Content for the upcoming Corn and Soybean Production Clinics will be tailored to each location, to better represent the diversity of crop production concerns across the state.

Nebraska Extension Provides Nebraska Corn and Soybean Clinics Aug. 29 at North Platte and Aug. 31 at Mead

August 1, 2023
See a "growing season" all in one place, with hands-on interaction and field demos that will address corn and soybean production concerns for growers across Nebraska.

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