Brad Lubben

Director of the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center

Work Filley Hall (FYH) 207A
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
Work 402-472-2235 On campus, dial 2-2235
Download vCard for Brad Lubben
Brad Lubben is an Extension Associate Professor, Policy Specialist, and Director of the North Central Extension Risk Management Education Center in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He has nearly 30 years of experience in teaching, research, and extension, focusing on agricultural policy and agricultural economics and working in Illinois, Kansas, and Nebraska. Brad's expertise includes federal farm policy and agricultural policy development and risk management education. Brad grew up on a grain and livestock farm near Burr, southeast of Lincoln and holds B.S. and M.S. degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Ph.D. from Kansas State University.

Faculty Bio

Sorghum field
Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication

University’s TAPS Program Coming Soon to High School Classrooms

October 6, 2022
Nebraska students enrolled in the new, innovative TAPS high school program during its inaugural year will learn about hybrid seed selection and seeding rate, and nitrogen application, in the same decision-making format.

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Jinliang Yang in sorghum field
Jinliang Yang, assistant professor of agronomy and horticulture, is leading an effort to better understand sorghum’s genetic makeup to improve the crop’s nitrogen use efficiency. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication)

Husker Research Hones in on Sorghum’s Genetic Makeup to Improve Nitrogen Efficiency

October 6, 2022
This new research will focus on increasing sorghum’s fertilizer use efficiency, as well as other aspects of sorghum’s fertilizer use, including nitrogen sensing, signaling and downstream regulatory pathways.

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Farm equipment
Photo by Hannah Borg, realagstock

Nebraska Net Farm Income Looks to Remain Strong in 2022 According to New Report

October 6, 2022
Net farm income in Nebraska is projected to remain nearly unchanged from 2021 to 2022, at around $8 billion, whereas the national outlook projects a 6% increase in total U.S. net farm income.

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Manure types
A visual representation of various manures' nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) contents compared to volume of organic matter and water.

Not All Manure is Created Equal

October 6, 2022
Animal Manure Management Extension Educator Leslie Johnson reviews the different kinds of manure and how the nutrient contents and characteristics of each product differs.

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Highboy interseeder

Highboy Cover Crop Interseeding Project

October 6, 2022
Interested producers are encouraged to participate in this new UNL project, wherein researchers are interseeding cover crops into late-season corn to provide additional growth time before winter dormancy.

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Corn irrigation

TAPS Irrigation Season Comes to End Amid Drought

October 6, 2022
Irrigation decisions in the Testing Ag Performance Solutions farm management competitions ranged widely this year, even amid a drought throughout the region.

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Frozen sorghum-sudangrass
Once a freeze occurs, it takes seven days for prussic acid to dissipate from forage sorghum species like sorghum-sudangrass. The hours immediately after a frost have the highest level of toxic compounds in these plants.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Forage Drought Recovery, Prussic Acid in Sorghum

October 5, 2022
Extension educators share insights on the drought recovery process for pastures, how to graze forage sorghum species after freezing temperatures and how to capture the best nutrition from grazing crop residue this fall.

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Wheat field

2022 Nebraska Small Grain Acreage and Production

October 5, 2022
In comparison to 2021, winter wheat production is down 36% and oat production is down 37%.

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