Bethany Johnston

Work Agricultural Hall (AGH) 211
Lincoln NE 68583-0703
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Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for July

June 29, 2021
With in-person meetings resuming, there are seven dates and locations set for free farm and ag law clinics in July.

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Corn forage

Pasture and Forage Minute: Grazing Management Strategies for Weather Issues, Wheat Harvest

June 29, 2021
This week, extension educators highlight the importance of adjusting your grazing strategies for weather setbacks and wheat harvest, plus best practices for controlling bluegrass in irrigated alfalfa.

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Corn plant

Dry Edible Beans at 92% Emerged

June 29, 2021
For the week ending June 27, 2021, dry edible beans emerged was 92%. Corn, soybean and winter wheat crops held steadily near reported conditions from the week prior.

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Field of forage crop
USDA NRCS Montana (Flickr/Public Domain)

Managing Risk with Annual Forages

June 24, 2021
Annual forages are a useful tool to help manage erosion risk and build more resilient soil profiles. When planting annual forages to manage risk, producers may want to consider purchasing a crop insurance policy under the Annual Forage Insurance Plan (AFIP). 

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FarmBits podcast episode banner
Hosted by Samantha Teten and Jackson Stansell — graduate students in UNL's Department of Biological Systems Engineering and Nebraska Extension Digital Agriculture team members — FarmBits Podcast is a weekly series highlighting new innovations and trends in digital agriculture through interviews with academic experts, farmers and industry specialists.

FarmBits Podcast: Solving for N

June 24, 2021
Iowa State University associate professor Jonathan Claussen shares his research on developing and testing soil nitrogen sensors that rely on an ion-selective membrane and communicate via telemetry.

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ET gage
ETgage installed near soybean field.

ET Resources

June 24, 2021
Online resources for viewing evapotranspiration (ET) information and changes, which can be used alongside your crop's stage of growth to estimate crop water use.

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USDA Announces Dates for Conservation Reserve Program General and Grasslands Signup

June 24, 2021
The USDA has set a Friday, July 23, 2021, deadline for agricultural producers and landowners to apply for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) General signup 56. The FSA will accept applications for CRP Grasslands from Monday, July 12 to Tuesday, Aug. 20.

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Knorr-Holden Plot welcome sign
The Knorr-Holden Plot is currently supervised by Bijesh Maharjan, soil and nutrient management specialist at the UNL Panhandle Research and Extension Center.

100-year Corn Yield Data from the Historic Knorr-Holden Plot in Nebraska

June 23, 2021
The commitment of generations of dedicated soil scientists in maintaining and managing the historic Knorr-Holden Plot near Scottsbluff for more than a century came to fruition in a recently published manuscript in Agronomy Journal.

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