Aaron Yoder

MCPH 3038 UNMC Midtown NE 68198-4388
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CW09-25-09 Risk Factors for Stalk Rot

September 25, 2009

Many factors can lead to the development of stalk rot diseases in corn.  In general, pathologists agree that plant stress from a number of sources can increase the incidence and severity of stalk rots.

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CW09-25-09Wheat Winter Annuals

September 25, 2009

Dry conditions in late summer followed by rainfall at, or shortly after, wheat seeding are now stimulating the germination of winter annual weeds. Stories in this week's CropWatch address fall control of winter annual broadleaf and grass weeds.


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CW09-25-09 CRP to Pasture

September 25, 2009

If you’re planning to return former CRP acres to pasture or hay production this year, you’ll want to prepare these areas by removing old litter and thickening stands.

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CW09-25-09 Forage Soil Tests

September 25, 2009

If you’re planning to plant alfalfa or interseed legumes into pasture next spring, take soil tests and, if necessary, fertilize this fall to help ensure increased production and profits next summer.

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