Swine Seminar Gives Reproduction Information

May 9, 2008

A June 10 Advanced Swine Reproduction Seminar will offer pork producers insight on reproduction management.

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Field Updates

May 9, 2008


Extension Reports on Western Nebraska Wheat


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Irrigating Alfalfa With Limited Water

May 2, 2008 

Alfalfa can use a lot of water, which may be a problem this year in areas where water is limited and reduced irrigation may become a reality.

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Managing Spring Grazing To Reduce Excess Heading

May 2, 2008 

Cool-season spring pastures are nearly ready to graze. While grass may be plentiful, remember that spring management affects your production all year. Sometimes there is so much early grass that by early summer much of the pasture has gone to seed. This lowers feed value and reduces calf gains. To avoid this problem, follow these steps:

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