Loren Giesler

Dr. Loren Giesler became head of the Department of Plant Pathology Sept. 1, 2018, and is no longer conducting Extension programs in soybean pathology.

Twitter: @MulletManLG
PH.D., University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1998

Dr. Giesler provides statewide leadership for extension plant pathology programs in soybeans and turfgrass diseases. He is the team leader for the Extension Plant Pathology Team which is a Nebraska group of extension Plant Pathologist responsible for disease management programs throughout Nebraska.  His main program focus is in soybeans and has included research projects on Bean Pod Mottle Virus, Soybean Cyst Nematode, Foliar Diseases and seedling diseases including Phytophthora root and stem rot.  He conducts disease management studies on soybean to evaluate the efficacy of soybean seed treatment fungicides and foliar products.  He served as a national leader for identification of soybean rust, coordinator for national soybean rust sentinel monitoring efforts from 2003 through 2012, and toured South America rust fungicide efficacy trials in 2004 and 2005. Dr. Giesler is currently working on several studies on soybean cyst nematode to improve management programs for this significant pest of soybean.  Through continued support of the Nebraska Soybean Board, a free soil sampling program for SCN is operated in his program that provides soybean farmers a way to determine if SCN is present in their fields.

Soybean interseeded in wheat

Herbicide Considerations When Interseeding Cover Crops

April 20, 2023
UNL Extension professionals provide insights on timing and volume of herbicide applications for interseeded cover crops to help producers avoid germination and plant establishment issues this growing season.  

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Irrigation system in corn
Producers looking to take advantage of nitrate-nitrogen in groundwater to reduce nitrogen applications this growing season may want to test their wells to determine current levels. Information on testing requirements is available at all local NRD offices.

Don’t Lose Out on Free Nitrogen from Irrigation Water

April 20, 2023
Extension recommendations for calculating the amount of nitrate-nitrogen in irrigation water and optimal timing of applications to reduce the cost of nitrogen inputs in irrigated corn.

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SNOTEL graph

Yonts Water Conference an Update on Water, Grants and More

April 20, 2023
Industry experts shared snowpack/snowmelt runoff estimates for the upper North Platte River basin, updates on UNL irrigation management research and progress on replacing the Goshen/Gering-Ft Laramie tunnels that collapsed in 2019.

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Niobrara River

Major Nebraska Rivers and Their Drainages: Part 1

April 19, 2023
This new series by Nebraska Extension Educator Gary Stone highlights the main rivers in Nebraska and their impacts across the Midwest and Northern Plains.

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Crop field
The May webinar will examine the latest average cash rental rates in the state as reported in the recently released Nebraska Farm Real Estate Report and offer insight on adjusting rental rates considering high commodity prices this year.

Ag Land Management Webinar to Offer the Latest on Cash Rents, Changing Commodity Prices for 2023

April 19, 2023
The May 15 webinar is free and will give attendees the opportunity to submit land management questions for the presenters to answer during the presentation.

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Irrigated alfalfa
For maximum season production, the first alfalfa cutting typically requires six to seven inches of water — if soil profiles are currently very dry, spring irrigation should be considered.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Early Season Alfalfa Irrigation, Trigger Dates and Weed Control

April 19, 2023
This week — Strategies for irrigating alfalfa in early season dry soil conditions, grazing to control abundant weed growth due to drought and forming a drought plan.

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Corn field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Corn Planting Begins in Nebraska

April 19, 2023
Corn planting got underway last week in Nebraska, and USDA NASS estimates oat planting is more than 50% completed.

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Historical potato stocks data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

2023 Nebraska Potato Stocks for April

April 19, 2023
April 1, 2023 potato stocks were the lowest since 2017, when a record low of 1.7 million cwt was set.

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