Loren Giesler

Dr. Loren Giesler became head of the Department of Plant Pathology Sept. 1, 2018, and is no longer conducting Extension programs in soybean pathology.

Twitter: @MulletManLG
PH.D., University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1998

Dr. Giesler provides statewide leadership for extension plant pathology programs in soybeans and turfgrass diseases. He is the team leader for the Extension Plant Pathology Team which is a Nebraska group of extension Plant Pathologist responsible for disease management programs throughout Nebraska.  His main program focus is in soybeans and has included research projects on Bean Pod Mottle Virus, Soybean Cyst Nematode, Foliar Diseases and seedling diseases including Phytophthora root and stem rot.  He conducts disease management studies on soybean to evaluate the efficacy of soybean seed treatment fungicides and foliar products.  He served as a national leader for identification of soybean rust, coordinator for national soybean rust sentinel monitoring efforts from 2003 through 2012, and toured South America rust fungicide efficacy trials in 2004 and 2005. Dr. Giesler is currently working on several studies on soybean cyst nematode to improve management programs for this significant pest of soybean.  Through continued support of the Nebraska Soybean Board, a free soil sampling program for SCN is operated in his program that provides soybean farmers a way to determine if SCN is present in their fields.

Soybean field during summer sunset
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: 2024 Crop Development Still Ahead Despite Heat

August 5, 2024
Crop conditions remained largely unchanged as of Aug. 4 and most crops are still maturing ahead of average pace. Nebraska producers have also completed winter wheat harvest.

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Cow drinking water from stocktank
Producers have a multitude of options for keeping stock tank algae at bay, from algicides and bleach to barley straw and goldfish.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Heat Effects on Alfalfa, Stock Tank Algae Control

August 5, 2024
Extension educators outline options for mitigating weeds in summer annual grasses and algae growth in stock tanks, as well as challenges that summer heat may create for alfalfa plants and harvest.

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Corn field
The West Central Research, Extension and Education Center is scheduled for 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 5. Attendance is free, but participants are encouraged to register for meal planning purposes.

Water, Crops and Soil Health Field Day Set for Sept. 5

August 5, 2024
West Central Research, Extension and Education Center's 2024 field day will feature keynote speaker Dale Strickler, a Kansas-based ag consultant with more than 30 years of experience in agronomy, pasture management, and soil and crop advising.

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Wheat field
Nebraska Today photo

University to Host National Conference on Ag Data Network Creation

August 2, 2024
Conference presentations will cover a wide range of topics regarding the creation of national ag data repositories, including producer needs, privacy protection and open-source web tools.

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Woman operating drone in wheat field
An educational discount is available to students and educators interested in attending two upcoming drone workshops from Nebraska Extension. See details below.

Nebraska is the Epicenter for Agricultural Drone Conferences in August 2024

August 2, 2024
Two days of conferences hosted mid-month in North Platte will feature insights from drone industry experts and practitioners across the world, with live demos and exhibit booths.

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N field banner

This Week on N Field: Southern Rust 2024

August 2, 2024
UNL Extension Specialist Tamra Jackson-Ziems discusses concerns about the early onset of southern rust in Nebraska this year.

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N Field logo

This Week on N Field: Control of Volunteer Corn in Enlist Corn

August 2, 2024
Volunteer corn is a problem weed in corn fields, competing for nutrients and potentially reducing yield. Watch this N Field for tips on how to control volunteers in corn after corn rotations.

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People stand in group for photo
Figure 1. Participants of the Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences: (Back row, from left) Andy Gregory, Rothamsted, United Kingdom; Tim Reinbott, Missouri; Jim Wang, Louisiana; Filippo Benedetti, UN FAO, Italy; (front row, from left) Bijesh Maharjan, Nebraska; Audrey Gamble, Alabama; Sabina Braun, Uppsala, Sweden; Hans-Jörg Vogel, Bad Lauchstädt, Germany. (Not pictured: Lukasz Uzarowicz, Poland, and Dian Fiantis, Indonesia)

Historic Experiments Gathered at IUSS Congress — Nebraska’s Knorr-Holden Plot Takes Global Stage

August 2, 2024
Scientists from across the world met in May to share findings from their 100-plus-year-old experiments, emphasizing the impact of agriculture on the environment at the national and international level.

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