Loren Giesler

Dr. Loren Giesler became head of the Department of Plant Pathology Sept. 1, 2018, and is no longer conducting Extension programs in soybean pathology.

Twitter: @MulletManLG
PH.D., University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1998

Dr. Giesler provides statewide leadership for extension plant pathology programs in soybeans and turfgrass diseases. He is the team leader for the Extension Plant Pathology Team which is a Nebraska group of extension Plant Pathologist responsible for disease management programs throughout Nebraska.  His main program focus is in soybeans and has included research projects on Bean Pod Mottle Virus, Soybean Cyst Nematode, Foliar Diseases and seedling diseases including Phytophthora root and stem rot.  He conducts disease management studies on soybean to evaluate the efficacy of soybean seed treatment fungicides and foliar products.  He served as a national leader for identification of soybean rust, coordinator for national soybean rust sentinel monitoring efforts from 2003 through 2012, and toured South America rust fungicide efficacy trials in 2004 and 2005. Dr. Giesler is currently working on several studies on soybean cyst nematode to improve management programs for this significant pest of soybean.  Through continued support of the Nebraska Soybean Board, a free soil sampling program for SCN is operated in his program that provides soybean farmers a way to determine if SCN is present in their fields.


Nebraska Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 12-15

July 25, 2008

The 10th annual Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 12-15 will focus on staying competitive in a global marketplace, increasing profits and meeting the world's growing food and energy needs.

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Nebraska Dry Bean Field Tour Aug 19

August 8, 2008

The Annual Nebraska Dry Bean Field Tour is scheduled for August 19 at the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center near Scottsbluff.

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Solution Days 2008 Explores New Trends in Ag and Field Research

August 8, 2008

Solution Days 2008 will provide practical solutions to the changing agricultural landscape. The annual educational event will be held Aug. 26 and repeated Aug. 27 at the Syngenta Learning Center site, three miles north of York on U.S. Highway 81.

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No-Till Bus Tour Aug. 25-28

August 8, 2008

No-till on the Plains, Inc. is planning a multi-state, educational bus tour in late-August to see the "best of the best" in continuous no-tillage. The program will feature experts and experienced continuous no-tillers.

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Southern Rust Confirmed in Southern Nebraska

August 1, 2008

Corn Disease Update

Southern Rust


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UNL's Soil and Plant Analytical Lab Closes

July 25, 2008

A review of the UNL Soil Plant Analytical Lab (SPAL) was recently completed by UNL's Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources. In this review several factors were examined to determine the future success of the lab, including cost of operations, competition, and demand for the lab's services.

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