Loren Giesler

Dr. Loren Giesler became head of the Department of Plant Pathology Sept. 1, 2018, and is no longer conducting Extension programs in soybean pathology.

Twitter: @MulletManLG
PH.D., University of Nebraska - Lincoln, 1998

Dr. Giesler provides statewide leadership for extension plant pathology programs in soybeans and turfgrass diseases. He is the team leader for the Extension Plant Pathology Team which is a Nebraska group of extension Plant Pathologist responsible for disease management programs throughout Nebraska.  His main program focus is in soybeans and has included research projects on Bean Pod Mottle Virus, Soybean Cyst Nematode, Foliar Diseases and seedling diseases including Phytophthora root and stem rot.  He conducts disease management studies on soybean to evaluate the efficacy of soybean seed treatment fungicides and foliar products.  He served as a national leader for identification of soybean rust, coordinator for national soybean rust sentinel monitoring efforts from 2003 through 2012, and toured South America rust fungicide efficacy trials in 2004 and 2005. Dr. Giesler is currently working on several studies on soybean cyst nematode to improve management programs for this significant pest of soybean.  Through continued support of the Nebraska Soybean Board, a free soil sampling program for SCN is operated in his program that provides soybean farmers a way to determine if SCN is present in their fields.

Young girl showing calf
Nebraska 4-H, a program of Nebraska Extension, reaches one in three youths in the state.

Extension Co-creating a Better Tomorrow for Nebraska

May 2, 2024
Nebraska Extension staff and programs are at the forefront of establishing agricultural practices to help producers save money and resources. This article highlights some of extension's recent successes and impacts in Nebraska.

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Ana Vélez looks through container of insects to camera in lab
Ana Vélez, associate professor of entomology, directs multiple projects in her lab, researching new genetic tools to help combat the western corn rootworm, one of the world's most devastating crop pests. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication and Marketing)

Vélez is a Leader in Genetic Technology to Contain Corn Rootworm

May 2, 2024
Husker scientist Ana Maria Vélez is pioneering a genetic technology that increases larvae mortality to suppress western corn rootworm, which annually causes up to $2 billion in yield loss and control costs in the Corn Belt.

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Men and women stand around tables looking at container plants
Attendees of the 2023 crop scout training course examine plants during one of the hands-on activities. (Nebraska Extension photo)

Nebraska Extension Offers Introductory-level Crop Scout Training May 21

May 1, 2024
The 2024 training course will review a wide variety of crop scouting concerns, such as drone scouting best practices, identifying nutrient deficiencies and insect damage in corn and soybean, and detecting weed seedlings.

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Soil Health Cycle infographic

UNL Researchers Advance Soil Health Cycle Concept

May 1, 2024
In a new manuscript, UNL researchers outline the soil health cycle — a systematic approach to improving soil management practices that highlights the importance of soil health knowledge and beneficial policies for producers.

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Stripe rust on wheat leaf

Wheat Disease Update for May 3, 2024

May 1, 2024
Diseases observed in Nebraska wheat fields so far this growing season have been minimal, but producers should be on the lookout for stripe rust, as infections have been identified in two southern Nebraska counties.

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Water droplets

To receive 2024 weekly crop water use reports via text message, subscribe on the PHREC AgLab site.

Estimated Crop Water Use for April 29-May 5

April 30, 2024
Nebraska Extension Educator Gary Stone shares details about some of the new features that will enhance crop water use reports in 2024.

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Sorghum field closeup
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Sorghum Planting Underway

April 29, 2024
Planting continues to push forward at a good pace in Nebraska, with corn, soybeans and oats still near average for this time of year, and sorghum getting started at the end of April.

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Army cutworm eating wheat
Army cutworm larva chewing on a blade of wheat. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Fertilizing Cool-season Pasture, Army Cutworm Control

April 29, 2024
Extension educators review timelines for turnout to summer pastures, calculating returns on fertilizing cool-season pastures, and tips for scouting army cutworm in alfalfa fields.

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