Leslie Johnson

student, faculty
Graduate Student
57905 866 Rd Concord NE 68728-2828
Work 402-584-3818 On campus, dial 7-3818
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I am the Animal Manure Management Extension Educator at the University of Nebraska. My role includes facilitating article development for manure.unl.edu and manure-related articles in other publications. I manage the online manure course and annual manure trainings across the state of Nebraska, as well as other manure programming in the state. I also serve as the webinar coordinator for the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community (https://lpelc.org) and am actively involved in the leadership team of the Soil Health Nexus (https://soilhealthnexus.org).


  • BS, University of Nebraska, 2006
  • MS, University of Nebraska, 2015

icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors

  • Communication Award, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2021
  • Communication Award Finalist, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2021

Alfalfa field
Even before plants begin to green up, individual plant assessments can be done. While assessment before green-up occurs may seem a bit preemptive, pre-scouting now can focus scouting efforts to problem areas later on when time becomes precious during spring planting.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Strategies to Increase Alfalfa Health, Productivity

March 19, 2024
Extension educators review options for interseeding grasses into alfalfa and assessing alfalfa stand health.

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Alfalfa weevil larvae and plant damage on alfalfa
Alfalfa weevil larvae (pictured at left) spend nearly all their time feeding on fresh leaf tissue, causing alfalfa plants to wilt and turn brown (at right), which can look similar to the effects of drought and cold injury. (CropWatch file photos)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Weevil Scouting, Dealing with Stress

March 12, 2024
Recommendations on scouting for alfalfa weevil in the coming weeks, and resources for ag producers dealing with stress and other impacts to their health and wellbeing.

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Wheat field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat at 66% Good-Excellent Condition

March 26, 2024
While winter wheat condition improved slightly in March, soil moisture supplies generally decreased.

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Corn field
The Handy Bt Trait Table has been updated for 2024. This reference guide alphabetically lists all trade names for hybrids with Bt traits, and includes Bt protein(s) expressed, targeted insects, refuge requirements and herbicide traits.

Handy Bt Trait Table Updated for 2024 Corn

March 26, 2024
Updated for 2024, the Handy Bt Trait Table can help producers avoid the development of resistance from using the same traits repeatedly and in troubleshooting insect injury or preparing to apply herbicides.

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Grain silos on farm at dusk
The Nebraska Corn Board and Nebraska Soybean Board encourage those who work in and around grain bins to have a plan in place for safety and to properly learn safety steps. With proper safety procedures, grain bin accidents are preventable.

Grain Safety Takes Center Stage: Nebraska Corn Board, Nebraska Soybean Board Promote Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week

March 25, 2024
The Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week initiative strives to raise awareness among farmers and ag workers about the importance of safety when working in and around grain bins, and overall safety practices on the farm.

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Palmer amaranth in dry beans
Figure 1. Photo of Palmer amaranth abundance in the dry bean only (left) and cover crop (right) plot.

Can Cover Crops Help with Weed Control?

March 20, 2024
UNL's Weed Science Program is investigating the benefits of using winter and spring seeded cover crops to control weeds in dry beans.

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Wind turbine on farm
To learn more about USDA programs geared toward helping farmers add renewable energy to their operations, view this webinar series.

New Initiative to Help Farmers Reduce Costs with Underutilized Renewable Technologies

March 15, 2024
The new initiative will provide funds for hundreds of farmers to deploy smaller-scale wind projects, small-scale hydropower, geothermal, biomass-based and other clean energy.

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Wheat stem sawfly on plant

Zuppa Selected to Receive Sustainable Agriculture Grant from NCR-SARE

March 15, 2024
The award recognizes and will help fund Zuppa's research project on wheat stem sawfly, with primary focus on how the insect affects winter wheat residue, soil-water storage, soil health, and crop yield in dryland cropping systems.

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