Leslie Johnson

student, faculty
Graduate Student
57905 866 Rd Concord NE 68728-2828
Work 402-584-3818 On campus, dial 7-3818
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I am the Animal Manure Management Extension Educator at the University of Nebraska. My role includes facilitating article development for manure.unl.edu and manure-related articles in other publications. I manage the online manure course and annual manure trainings across the state of Nebraska, as well as other manure programming in the state. I also serve as the webinar coordinator for the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Community (https://lpelc.org) and am actively involved in the leadership team of the Soil Health Nexus (https://soilhealthnexus.org).


  • BS, University of Nebraska, 2006
  • MS, University of Nebraska, 2015

icon-bookmark-starAwards & Honors

  • Communication Award, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2021
  • Communication Award Finalist, National Association of County Agricultural Agents, 2021

UNL Extension Offers National Safe Tractor and Machinery Classes

May 2, 2008 

Overturned ATVs (all-terrain vehicles) are the leading cause of Nebraska ag fatalities, moving ahead of tractor overturns.

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Annual Water Tour Visits Republican River Basin in June

May 2, 2008 

An early June water and natural resources tour will visit the lower Republican River basin in Kansas and Nebraska to help answer water use questions in the basin. The annual UNL and Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce water and natural resources tour is June 3-5, beginning and ending on UNL's East Campus.

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Field Updates

May 2, 2008 

(April 29, 2008)

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USDA Report: Crop Conditiions

May 2, 2008 

Wheat condition rated 1% very poor, 7% poor, 33% fair, 51% good, and 8% excellent, above last year's 51% good or excellent and the average. Wheat jointed was at 12%, behind last year's 41% and 11 days behind the 39% average.

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