  • Emeritus Professor University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Work Oldfather Hall (OLDH) 925
Lincoln NE 68588-0370
Work 402-472-2908 On campus, dial 2-2908
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Faculty Bio

Scouting and Treating Western Bean Cutworms

June 27, 2008

Photo of a western bean cutworm moth
Western bean cutworm moth

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Light Trap Data

June 27, 2008

The UNL Department of Entomology offers light trap data on-line from three sites

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Stay the Course When Replanting Soybean

June 27, 2008

Soybean growers just planting or replanting soybeans may be tempted to shift to a shorter maturity, but experts at UNL and at neighboring universities would caution against this.

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UNL Extension Releases New Proso Millet Production Guide

June 27, 2008

Photo of the cover of EC137, Proso Millet production guide.Proso millet producers now have access to an updated and expanded Extension publication loaded with information on growing and selling the crop.

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Control Potato Leafhoppers In Alfalfa

June 27, 2008

Potato leafhoppers have arrived and are starting to injure alfalfa in many areas. These tiny, yellowish-green, wedge-shaped insects often blow into our region from the southeast in early to mid-summer.

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