Aaron Nygren

1071 County Rd G Ithaca NE 68033-2234
Work 402-624-8005 On campus, dial 7-8005
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Faculty Bio

He provides local agronomic support for Saunders, Douglas and Sarpy County.

Play it Safe — Clean and Dispose of Pesticides and Containers Properly

July 11, 2008

Every year, more than 1 million plastic pesticide containers are used in Nebraska. Every one of these empty containers must be handled properly to ensure that our environment is protected.

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Field Updates

July 11, 2008

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USDA: Nebraska Wheat Production Declines

July 11, 2008

Based on July 1 conditions, Nebraska's 2008 winterwheat crop is forecast at 71.4 million bushels, down 10% from last month's forecast and 15% below last year's crop, according to the Nebraska Field Office of USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Tour Looks at Using Cover Crops after Organic Wheat

July 11, 2008

A field tour of cover crops planted after organic winter wheat will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday, Aug. 23 at the Agricultural Research and Development Center near Mead. The tour will include discussion on various cover crops for eastern Nebraska and methods and equipment for weed control and cultural practices.

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