Aaron Nygren

1071 County Rd G Ithaca NE 68033-2234
Work 402-624-8005 On campus, dial 7-8005
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Faculty Bio

He provides local agronomic support for Saunders, Douglas and Sarpy County.

Estate Planning Workshop March 26

March 6, 2009 All small business owners, including farmers, should have a strategy for successful business succession. The specifics of the strategy will be different for every business and will depend on a number of factors.

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'When Water Meets Money' Topic of Water Conference April 29-30

March 20, 2009 "Blue Gold: When Water Meets Money" is the theme for UNL's sixth annual Water Law, Policy and Science conference. The conference will be April 29-30 at Lincoln's Embassy Suites Hotel.

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Field Updates

March 20, 2009 Paul Hay, Extension Educator in Gage County: Spring is on a roll in southeast Nebraska. Pasture fertilization, wheat fertilization and weed control are in full swing. Reports of farmers reducing nitrogen rates to 60-70-80 lbs/ac from 80-90-100 last year are common. Wheat looks good, alfalfa is greening up, and oats have been planted.

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Plants Use 'Genetic Bag of Tricks' to Reinvent Themselves, Research Shows

March 20, 2009 Unlike animals, plants don't have a fight or flight response to handle threats from their environment. But University of Nebraska-Lincoln research is showing they have the next best thing: the ability to adapt to hostile surroundings using a "genetic bag of tricks."

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UNL Research: Phosphorus Increase Indicated for Continuous Corn

March 13, 2009 As Nebraska farmers are making decisions for this year's growing season, UNL research shows applying additional phosphorus is beneficial for high-yielding, irrigated fields planted to continuous corn.

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Corn Growers Reminded to Follow Refuge Requirements as Spring Planting Nears

March 6, 2009

Future traits that build on today's technology will only be successful if today's technology remains effective.
Rob Korff, chair, Biotechnology Working Group

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New Herbicides and Weed Control Options for 2009

March 6, 2009 Several new herbicide and bio-tech options are available this year for weed control in Nebraska corn, soybeans, and sorghum.

Corn Herbicides


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