Kathy Burr

404 E 7th St Curtis NE 69025-2838
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Man operating tractor
Two Nebraska Department of Agriculture programs, NextGen and Negotiations, are valuable resources for Nebraska producers seeking help as beginning farmers and ranchers, and to solve various operational setbacks, such as ag loan and credit issues, fence repairs, and more.

Cultivate Your Legacy: Nebraska Department of Ag Programs

July 11, 2024
A new webinar shares details on NDA's beginning farmer tax credit and the farm mediation programs.

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Cattle in corn stubble
Key findings from the study indicate that while current adoption rates are relatively low — only 14% of cattle operations with cropland used cover crops as of 2017 — there are notable variations depending on the type of operation. (IANR News photo)

Nebraska Researchers Contribute to Study on Cover Crops in Livestock Operations

July 11, 2024
The research team's work underscores the potential for significant expansion in the use of cover crops, particularly in areas where integration with livestock is feasible.

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People gather at field border to hear presentation
Amit Jhala discusses a project titled "Critical Time of Cereal Rye Termination for Better Palmer Amaranth Suppression After Corn Planting."

Weed Control in Corn and Soybean Topics of Field Day

July 11, 2024
The 2024 Weed Management Field Day highlighted the latest extension research, including recommendations on pre-emergence herbicides for Palmer amaranth in soybean and herbicides for herbicide-resistant weeds in corn. 

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Lab worker behind computer

Analysis, Summarization and Interpretation of Plant Breeding Data Workshop Aug. 6-8

July 11, 2024
The focus of this workshop will be on the practical aspects of managing data and performing mixed model analyses, and participants are encouraged to bring their own datasets to explore options.

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Wheat on lab table with filled syringe

Introduction to Hybrid Breeding Workshop Begins July 31

July 11, 2024
This workshop is designed for non-hybrid breeders to become acquainted with basic terminology and the process for developing a genetically improved hybrid cultivar for commercialization. 

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Cattle drinking from pond
Nitrates and blue-green algae are two main concerns of water quality for livestock in Nebraska, and while not as common, salinity can also be an issue.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Forage, Insect and Water Quality Issues for Grazing Livestock

July 9, 2024
Extension educators review common issues for producers to bear in mind as livestock graze throughout the summer, including prussic acid, horn flies and face flies, and water contamination.

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Hybrid-Maize model locations

2024 Corn Yield Forecasts: Approach and Interpretation of Results

July 10, 2024
The Yield Forecasting Center (YFC) will provide real-time information on corn phenology and forecasts of corn yield potential to aid growers and ag industry stakeholders in making management, logistics and marketing decisions through the 2024 season.

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Soybean gall midge larvae on plant stem

Insect Pest and Plant Diseases in Soybean: A Nebraska Soybean Board-funded Project

July 10, 2024
In a new study, UNL researchers are using unconventional treatments on soybean insects and diseases to investigate the relationships between certain pests and how their interactions impact crop yield.

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