Program Manager/State Entomologist
Animal and Plant Health Protection
Nebraska State Department of Agriculture
(402) 471-6847

Aphids in Corn and Sorghum

July 19, 2012

Jenny Rees, extension educator in Clay County, said growers are reporting greenbugs (Figure 1) in sorghum and corn leaf aphids (Figure 2) on corn in south central Nebraska.

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Begin Scouting for Western Bean Cutworm Eggs

June 29, 2012

Western bean cutworm moths have been emerging since June 12 at Clay Center. As moth numbers increase, mating will begin and females will begin laying eggs on corn. The appearance of the first moths provides a signal that farmers and crop consultants should begin to scout fields for the white, dome-shaped eggs.

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Corn Rootworm Larval Scouting and Postemergence Treatments

Figure 1. Rootworm larvae. (Photo by UNL Department of Entomology)
May 22, 2012

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