Julie Peterson

402 W State Farm Rd North Platte NE 69101-7751
Work 308-696-6704 On campus, dial 7-6704
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Wheat Woes When Wheat Follows Wheat

August 8, 2008

Photo of a wheat stem sawfly.
Wheat stem sawfly

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Preparing Seedbeds for Late Summer Grass And Alfalfa Planting

August 8, 2008 

August is an excellent time to plant alfalfa, irrigated pasture, or other grasses if you have moisture and do it right. Seedbed preparation, as well as good seed-to-soil contact and weed control, are essential to late summer plantings. Half-hearted seedbed preparation produces only half decent stands.

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Thickening Existing Alfalfa Stands

August 8, 2008

Last spring many people had a tough time starting new alfalfa stands, and some older stands thinned out over the winter.

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Remove Hay Bales Soon After Harvest

August 8, 2008

My recent travels through Nebraska showed me lots of hay. Much of it was being cut, but much of it was still in the middle of the field.

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Plant Oats For Fall Pasture or Hay

August 8, 2008

Oats may be one of our best, but most under-used fall forages. It grows fast, thrives under cool fall conditions, has good feed value, and can produce over two tons of hay or pasture yet this year. It dies out over winter, so it protects soil without causing planting problems next spring.


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