Andrea Basche

Work Plant Sciences Hall (PLSH) 279G
Lincoln NE 68583-0915
Work 402-472-6413 On campus, dial 2-6413
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Faculty Bio

Protect State's Water Quality by Decommissioning Wells

June 6, 2008

Is that old windmill contaminating your drinking water — or a neighbor's?

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Stink Bugs Damaging Corn in Eastern Nebraska

twisting of the plant is a common symptom of sink bug injury
Twisting of the plant is typical of stink bug feeding injury.

June 13, 2008

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Controlling Thistles by Digging And Grazing

June 6, 2008

Learning from Experience


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Play It Safe, Select the Right Gloves for the Job

June 6, 2008

When applying pesticides, always follow label instructions to ensure the safety of the applicator as well as non-target organisms and the environment. One of the most important aspects of the label is the personal protective equipment (PPE) required to prevent accidental pesticide exposure.

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Controlling Postemergence Weeds in Alfalfa

June 6, 2008

Are weeds appearing in your new alfalfa? Seedlings compete poorly with weeds and if weeds get thick, alfalfa will suffer. While control decisions can be difficult, timely measures will be important to your alfalfa's sustainability.

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