John Lindquist

Work Kiesselbach Crops Research Laboratory (KCR) 105C
Lincoln NE 68583-0817
Work 402-472-2771 On campus, dial 2-2771
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Faculty Bio

Cover crops in field

2022 Eastern Nebraska Soil Health Conference Set for Feb. 2 in David City

January 20, 2022
Topics of this year's conference will include incorporating manure into a cropping system, using cover crops for weed suppression, winter hardy small grains for grazing and silage, cover crop planting equipment options and more.

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Proposals for 2022 Specialty Crop Projects Due Jan. 31

January 19, 2022
Applications are now available online for any producer, educator or organization interested in applying for this grant, which supports funding for new specialty crop projects.

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Soil in hands

Funding Available for Farmers to Establish Soil Health Demonstration Projects

January 19, 2022
The funding will compensate producers for conducting strip trials of cover crops vs. no cover crops within a diverse crop rotation using no-till planting, as well as developing case studies and hosting field days.

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Financial papers

Know Your Numbers Know Your Options Record-keeping Course to Begin Feb. 1

January 19, 2022
Through this online course, participants learn how financial records can be used to make decisions and confidently discuss their financial position with their family, business partners and lenders.

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Cornstalks under snow
Cornstalks are a great forage resource for livestock producers in mid-winter provided factors like ice accumulations and cornstalk quality are closely monitored.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Nutrition Concerns for Mid-winter, Calving

January 17, 2022
Cattle Nutrition — The do's and don'ts of grazing cornstalks this winter, plus why it's important to use high quality hay after calving season.

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Rattlesnake Boys check presentation

UNL-TAPS Celebrates Fifth Year with 2021 Awards Banquet

January 18, 2022
In addition to crowning the 2021 Outstanding TAPS Advocate, program organizers revealed all award winners of the 2021 competitions for greatest yield, highest input use efficiency and profitability.

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Farm finance clinic banner

Free Farm and Ag Law Clinics Set for Early 2022

January 18, 2022
There are six dates scheduled for free, in-person farm and ag law clinics from January to March. 

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Soybean gall midge-injured field

New Midwest Soybean Gall Midge Webinar Series in February

January 18, 2022
The new webinar series will offer the latest information and data on soybean gall midge distribution in the Midwest, scouting tips, insecticide applications and potential strategies that may assist growers in developing long-term pest management.

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