Joe Luck

Work Chase Hall (CHA) 204
Lincoln NE 68583-0726
Work 402-472-1488 On campus, dial 2-1488
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Twitter: @joeluck_unl

Fall Seed Guide cover

Fall 2022 Seed Guide Available

September 1, 2022
The 2022 Fall Seed Guide includes details on yield, protein, test weight, ratings for disease characteristics, location summaries and weather information from this year's winter wheat trials.

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Sorghum field

Crop Progress: Sorghum Condition Falls to 35% Very Poor

September 1, 2022
As of Aug. 28, sorghum condition dropped another 15% over the week prior, and corn and soybean crop conditions experienced a slight decrease.

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Cover crop mix drill interseeded
Cover crop mix drill interseeded into V4 corn growing well by V8-9 leaf corn. (Photo by Jenny Rees)

Comparing Cover Crop Planting Methods

September 1, 2022
While planting cover crops after harvest with a drill or planter may be the most convenient, there are several other planting methods that can increase cover crop success as measured by biomass production.

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Droughty soybeans
Grazing and ensiling may be the easiest ways for growers to handle drought-stressed soybeans this year.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Salvaging Drought-stressed Soybeans as Forages, Grasshopper Control

August 30, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators review forage considerations for growers faced with droughty soybeans, tips on measuring stands and assessing alfalfa field health, and thresholds where grasshopper control may be warranted.

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Water droplets

Estimated Crop Water Use: Aug. 29

August 26, 2022
Estimated crop water use for Nebraska Panhandle crops for the week of Aug. 29.

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Drought-stressed corn

Graze Drought-stressed Cornstalks Carefully

August 26, 2022
Cornstalk residue is a tremendous resource for fall and winter grazing; however, care needs to be taken in grazing drought-stressed cornstalks due to the potential of high nitrates in the feed this year.

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Youth Crop Scouting Competition group
Youth from from Arlington, Colfax, Cuming and Johnson counties participated in this year's Youth Crop Scouting Competition, hosted by Nebraska Extension.

2022 Youth Crop Scouting Competition Winners Announced

August 25, 2022
First and second place winning teams will be headed to Indiana in mid-September to represent Nebraska in the regional youth crop scouting competition.

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Irrigation system

Scheduling the Last Few Irrigations of the Season

August 25, 2022
Factors such as the amount of water a soil can hold, the amount of water a crop will use until it reaches maturity, and the maximum allowable soil water depletion should be considered when deciding the last few irrigations of the season.

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