Ana Maria Velez

  • Assoc Professor University of Nebraska–Lincoln
Work Entomology Hall (ENTO) 312A
Lincoln NE 68583-0816
Work 402-472-2152 On campus, dial 2-2152
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UNL CropWatch Aug. 12, 2010: USDA: Nebraska's 2010 Corn and Soybean Prospects Excellent

August 12, 2010

Based on August 1 conditions, Nebraska’s corn crop is forecast at 1.54 billion bushels, 2% below last year’s record production and the second largest of record, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office.

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CropWatch Aug. 9, 2010: USDA: Nebraska Crop Report

August 9, 2010

For the week ending August 8, the last fields of wheat were being harvested in the northern Panhandle as heat and high humidity covered the state, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. Temperatures averaged 2 degrees above normal with highs that reach 100 and lows in the mid 50s.

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UNL CropWatch August 10, 2010: Nebraska Farm Real Estate at Record High

August 11, 2010

Nebraska's farm real estate value rose from 2009, extending a trend that began in 1993, according to USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics
Service Nebraska Field Office. Farm real estate value on January 1, 2010, averaged $1,460 per acre, a record high. This is up $120 per acre or 9% higher than last year’s level.

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UNL CropWatch Aug. 11, 2010: 2009 Livestock Expenses Down 23%; Seed Costs Up 13%

August 11, 2010

Farm and ranch production expenditures for Nebraska totaled $15.23 billion in 2009, down 9% from a year earlier, according to
USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service Nebraska Field Office.

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UNL CropWatch Aug. 11: Reminder: Soybean Management Field Days Underway

July 28, 2010

"Growing Nebraska's Future" is the theme of the 12th annual Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 10-13. The event will focus on staying competitive in a global marketplace, increasing profits and meeting the world's growing food and energy needs starting right here in Nebraska.

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