Javed Iqbal

Work Keim Hall (KEIM) 312
Lincoln NE 68583-0915
Work 402-472-1432 On campus, dial 2-1432
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Introduction in CropWatch

Soybean field

Nebraska County-level Commodity Estimates for 2022

February 28, 2023
County-level estimates for 2022 production of corn, sorghum and soybeans are now available on the USDA NASS site.

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Wheat field

Crop Progress: Slight Decline of Winter Wheat in February

February 28, 2023
Forty percent of winter wheat was in poor condition as of Feb. 26.

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Corn field

Nebraska 2022 Crop Values Down 10%

February 28, 2023
The value of Nebraska's crop production is down for all major crops, with deficits ranging from 9% deficit in corn to 22% in winter wheat.

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Nebraska Feb. 1 Potato Stocks

February 28, 2023
Nebraska growers, dealers and processors held 4.30 million cwt of potatoes in storage on Feb. 1.

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Irrigation circles

Nebraska Farm Numbers Lower

February 28, 2023
The number of Nebraska farms declined by 500 during 2022, while total land in farms and ranches remained unchanged.

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Jerry oat cover crop

Evaluation of Diverse Cover Crops Across Nebraska: Findings from Spring-planted Cover Crops in 2022

February 23, 2023
Results from 2022 variety trial research conducted on numerous cover crop species at five UNL research stations across Nebraska.

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VanDeWalle family
Nebraska Extension Educator Brandy VanDeWalle with her husband Kurt, and daughters McKenzie (far left) and Meredith (far right). The VanDeWalles share a family passion for agriculture — Kurt is an ag teacher in Fillmore County, and their daughters are heavily involved in 4-H and in the process of building their own cattle herd. (Photos courtesy Brandy VanDeWalle)

Digging into Extension: VanDeWalle Bridges Divide Between Youth, Ag Industry

February 16, 2023
Brandy VanDeWalle keeps the farm kids in Nebraska — find out how her Nebraska Extension endeavors are enriching the lives of all Nebraskans in this new Digging into Extension.

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The planting intentions survey will be mailed this month, and producers can respond via mail or online.

USDA to Survey Farmers’ Planting Intentions for 2023

February 16, 2023
NASS will ask producers to provide information online or by mail about the types of crops they intend to plant in 2023, how many acres they intend to plant and the amounts of grain and oilseed stored on their farms.

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