March Grain Storage Recommendations: Get it Dry

March 5, 2010

March is upon us. Soon average air temperatures will climb into the 40s and 50s and grain held in the bin above safe storage moisture content (15% for corn) will be in danger of spoiling.

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Managing Stored Grain in February

February 5, 2010

If your bin of corn is at or below 15% moisture, monitor for signs of heating twice a month.

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Grain Drying Tips and Reminders

November 20, 2009

If you're one of the many producers still trying to dry down their corn and soybeans, you'll want to check these tips and reminders to ensure quality grain storage.

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Drying Binned Corn

October 29, 2009

Airflow estimates can be generated using a program developed by the University of Minnesota. Download the program to your home computer to run various scenarios you're considering.

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Grain Drying Q&A

October 12, 2009

In the following Q & A's Extension Educator Tom Dorn shares some of the questions he's been getting about grain drying and the answers he's shared with callers.

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