Amit Jhala

Work Keim Hall (KEIM) 173
Lincoln NE 68583-0915
Work 402-472-1534 On campus, dial 2-1534
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Faculty Bio
Jhala honored with Gamma Sigma Delta Extension Award of Merit
Nebraska's Amit Jhala Receives Outstanding Reviewer Award
Jhala Receives National Early Career Outstanding Weed Scientist Award
Jhala Receives Young Scientist Award from North Central Weed Science Society of America

Crop Production Clinic presentation slideshow
A view of one of this year's Crop Production Clinics presentations, which were offered in an online format, with recordings and presentation PDFs available online for viewing on demand.

Crop Production Clinics Videos Available Online

April 15, 2021
During the 2021 Crop Production Clinics, Extension experts highlighted agronomy topics relevant to each region of the state of Nebraska during sessions hosted and recorded through Zoom. 

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Center pivot irrigation
Center pivot irrigation in Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Water Law 101: Part 4, Groundwater Terms and Definitions

April 15, 2021
Part 4 of the Water Law series reviews groundwater terms and definitions, including a brief review on the different types of aquifers — an important aspect of groundwater for Nebraska due to the Ogallala/High Plains aquifer.  

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Calculator with financial papers

Extension Record-keeping Course for Farmers and Ranchers Set for June

April 15, 2021
The next session of “Know Your Numbers, Know Your Options,” Nebraska Extension’s four-part farm and ranch record-keeping course, will be held virtually on Thursdays beginning June 3.

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Man in tractor
Noah Buscher/Unsplash

The Value of Farm Business Policies for Employees

April 15, 2021
In this article and accompanying podcast, learn how to build a comprehensive mission statement and business policy that accurately represents and fortifies your farm operation.  

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Gardener tending plant
Nebraska Extension and the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture will again be offering a student gardening competition this summer. | Shutterstock

The Biggest Grower Returns with Summer Learning, Scholarship for High Schoolers

April 15, 2021
The Biggest Grower competition, hosted by Nebraska Extension and the Department of Agronomy and Horticulture, offers Nebraska high school students the opportunity to learn how to start their own small growing operation.

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USDA Announces Funding to Assist Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers under Pandemic Assistance for Producers Initiative

April 15, 2021
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) announced the availability of $2 million to establish partnerships with organizations to provide outreach and technical assistance to socially disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. The funding was made possible by USDA’s new Pandemic Assistance for Producers initiative.

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Cattle in pasture
If there are changes to your animal intake or pasture productivity, it can disrupt the balance of your stocking rate. Annual evaluation is necessary to maintain an equitable distribution of animals on your pastures.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Adjusting Stocking Rates, Baleage Equipment and Summer Annual Grass Control

April 15, 2021
Extension Educators Ben Beckman and Brad Schick review the importance of analyzing and adjusting stocking rates, equipment required for proper haylage and baleage, and controlling pesky summer annual grasses.

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Oat seedlings in field

Nebraska Oat Planting Ahead of Schedule from 2020

April 15, 2021
For the week ending April 4, 2021, oats planted was 40%, ahead of 30% last year and 33% for the five-year average. 

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