Amit Jhala

Work Keim Hall (KEIM) 173
Lincoln NE 68583-0915
Work 402-472-1534 On campus, dial 2-1534
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Faculty Bio
Jhala honored with Gamma Sigma Delta Extension Award of Merit
Nebraska's Amit Jhala Receives Outstanding Reviewer Award
Jhala Receives National Early Career Outstanding Weed Scientist Award
Jhala Receives Young Scientist Award from North Central Weed Science Society of America

Alfalfa field

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Seed Selection, Planting

March 3, 2022
Nebraska Extension educators review tips for selecting alfalfa seed traits and spring planting strategies.

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Webinar screenshot

UNL Offering Training Workshops for New Ag Budget Calculator Tool

February 24, 2022
CAP has scheduled a series of training workshops for its new online Agricultural Budget Calculator tool across the state in March.

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Nebraska Farm Numbers Lower

February 24, 2022
Nebraska's number of farms and ranches declined during 2021, down 700 farms from 2020.

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Wheat stem in field

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat at 33% Good Condition, 46% Fair

February 24, 2022
For the week ending Feb. 20, 2022, winter wheat condition rated 33% good and 3% excellent.

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Nebraska Feb. 1 Potato Stocks

February 24, 2022
Nebraska growers, dealers, and processors held 3.90 million cwt of potatoes in storage on Feb. 1. Current stocks represent 43% of the 2021 production.

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Industrial hemp

Nebraska Hemp Acreage

February 24, 2022
Industrial hemp grown in open areas in Nebraska totaled 260 acres, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service.

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Pivot irrigation

New Bill Would Change Nebraska Drainage Law

February 24, 2022
UNL Extension Water Law and Agricultural Law Specialist Dave Aiken discusses the potential impacts of Legislative Bill 806 on Nebraska farmers and landowners.

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Webinar screenshot

Getting Your Start on the Farm or Ranch with USDA Farm Service Agency Webinar

February 24, 2022
Learn more about the USDA Farm Service Agency's unique loan options for farmers and ranchers.

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