Control of Problem Weeds in Roundup Ready Soybean with Soil-Applied Herbicides

May 8, 2009

Applying Integrated Weed Management Strategies

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Early Alfalfa Cut Offers Benefits

May 8, 2009 The first cutting of alfalfa often is the most important cutting of the year. It usually produces the most yield and its forage quality changes fastest from day to day. This spring alfalfa started slowly, but could begin to grow fast and decline quickly in quality.

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Selecting Summer Annual Forage Grasses

May 8, 2009 If you're interested in planting summer annual grasses to boost your forage yield, select the type best adapted to your needs and intended use.

There are six types of major summer annual forage grasses:

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Cutting Excess Spring Pasture For Hay

May 8, 2009 Spring rains were good to excessive in areas of Nebraska and pastures have responded in kind with good early season grass growth. As pastures grow faster than cattle can eat, finding ways to use this extra grass efficiently can be like putting money in the bank.

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