Humberto Blanco

Work Keim Hall (KEIM) 367
Lincoln NE 68583-0915
Work 402-472-1510 On campus, dial 2-1510
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Faculty Bio

Mugshots of award recipients
Nebraska Extension recently received four national awards from the National Association of County Agricultural Agents. (IANR News image)

Nebraska Extension Earns Multiple National Awards for Excellence

September 1, 2023
Extension educators were recognized for their work on a range of services provided to Nebraska's agricultural industry, including the farm management program "Know Your Numbers, Know Your Options."

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Dry bean field in Nebraska Panhandle
Dry edible bean field in western Nebraska. (Photo by Gary Stone)

USDA Announces Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Funding Awarded to Nebraska

September 1, 2023
Some of the projects to be funded by the grant feature research on mitigating adverse effects of diseases in dry beans, evaluating the effectiveness of tomato varieties, and the development of new irrigation technology.

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Check presentation to Mark McHargue
The Nebraska Dry Bean Commission donated $6,500 to the Nebraska Farm Bureau “Ag in the Classroom.” Presenting the check was Chris Kelley, NDBC vice chair (second from left), and Dan Hinman, president of the Nebraska Dry Bean Growers Association (left), to Mark McHargue, president of the NEFB. (Photo by Chabella Guzman)

Dry Bean Growers Still Dealing with the Effects of 2018 Tariffs

September 1, 2023
Stakeholders in the dry bean industry discussed the state of production and markets during a recent tour at the UNL Panhandle Research, Extension and Education Center in Scottsbluff.

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Justin McMechan works hail machine in corn field

McMechan Highlights UNL Research on Hail-damaged Crops

August 31, 2023
Dr. Justin McMechan, Nebraska Extension specialist, recently appeared on RFD-TV to discuss UNL research on hail impacts to crops and share recommendations for farmers who encounter hailstorm damage.

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Cover crop field
If you don’t grow something, Mother Nature will. The hairy vetch cover crop is suppressing weeds on the left compared to the no cover crop treatment on the right.

2023 Cover Crop and Soil Health Field Day

August 31, 2023
The Sept. 19 event will feature research updates on Rogers Memorial Farm's 43-year tillage study, cover crop selection and performance, and more.

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Temperature outlook

Weekly Weather Update and Outlook: Aug. 31, 2023

August 31, 2023
Nebraska is entering another stretch of hot weather, beginning September with well above average temperatures and low chances for rainfall.

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Zamir Libohova and Clare Lindahl pose for photo

Soil and Water Conservation Society Honors 2023 Award Winners

August 31, 2023
Four leaders in Nebraska resource conservation and the Nebraska Chapter of the Soil and Water Conservation Society (SWCS) were honored by the International SWCS this year.

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Farm in aerial shot
Historical cash rent data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Nebraska County-level Cash Rent Estimates

August 31, 2023
County-level estimates for 2023 cash rents are now available through USDA NASS.

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