Humberto Blanco

Work Keim Hall (KEIM) 367
Lincoln NE 68583-0915
Work 402-472-1510 On campus, dial 2-1510
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Why You'll Want to Sample for SCN This Fall - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information

Oct. 27, 2014

$45 million.

That's how much Nebraska soybean farmers are estimated to have lost to soybean cyst nematodes (SCN) last year.

The good news is that loss will decrease in 2014. The bad news is that's because the price of soybeans is lower, not because SCN is any less common.

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New UNL Class on Soybean Breeding for Disease Resistance - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information

A new distance education class studying the effects of water molds on soybeans is being offered through UNL's Department of Agronomy and Horticulture. Breeding for Disease Resistance, a case study on Oomycete diseases in soybeans, is available as a self-paced graduate course for one credit.

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USDA NASS: Crop Progress and Condition - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information

Harvest of corn (7% complete) and soybean (6% complete) were just getting underway Monday when USDA National Agriculture Statistics Service reported on Nebraska crop conditions and progress.

 Topsoil moisture supplies rated 4% very short, 23 short, 70% adequate, and 3% surplus. Subsoil moisture supplies rated 8% very short, 25% short, 65% adequate, and 2% surplus.

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Frost/Freeze Effects on Corn and Soybean - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information

My grandfather liked to say there was nothing wrong with Hooper, except that it had never made up its mind, alternately wanting to be Lubbock, Texas or Duluth, Minn.

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Why Soybean Variety is Critical to Improving Farm Yield - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information

Extension Educator Nathan Mueller talks with Market Journal host Jeff Wilkerson about the importance of selecting soybean varieties for pest management as well as yield improvement.

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Managing Soybean Harvest Timing, Moisture to Improve Yield - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information

Photo of field of maturing soybeans
Figure 1. Some of the first yellow leaves are beginning to show up in soybean fields across Nebraska. (Photos by Gary Zoubek)

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Learn How to Identify and Manage SCN at Sept. 4 Field Day - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information

Farmers and ag professionals can learn how to identify and manage soybean cyst nematode (SCN) at a UNL Extension field day this Thursday (Sept. 4) near Bassett.

Last year, soybean cyst nematodes cost Nebraska soybean growers over $45 million, more than all other soybean diseases combined. If you have SCN in your fields and are not managing it, you contributed to that loss.

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