Researchers Learn that Lady Beetle Diet Influences Its Effectiveness as Biocontrol Agent - UNL

By examining what lady beetles eat, USDA scientists are learning more about the movement of these beneficial insects in farm fields—and whether they'll actively feed on crop pests.

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Managing Brown Stem Rot and Sudden Death Syndrome in Soybean

August 23, 2012

With soybeans now in the mid- to late pod-filling stages, some stem and root rots are showing up. Brown stem rot and sudden death syndrome have been reported at several sites across Nebraska. With both of these diseases foliar symptoms can be similar so correct identification through other means is critical to successful management.

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Drought Stress May Make Scouting for SCN Easier

This year's drought conditions may hold one benefit for soybean producers: a better opportunity than most years to scout for the elusive soybean cyst nematode (SCN).

Learn more at this year's

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