Rye cover crop in corn
Rye in continuous corn April 19, 2018 at the Eastern Nebraska Research and Education Center near Mead. (CropWatch file photo)

Cover Crop Field Day Scheduled for Sept. 7 in Nemaha County

August 24, 2021
Nebraska Extension, NRCS and SARE are sponsoring an in-person Cover Crop Field Day on Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2021 at the Daryl Obermeyer Farm in Nemaha County.

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Harvested corn field
The Crop Residue Exchange is an interactive, online tool that facilitates connections between livestock producers looking for forage and crop producers with available crop residues or other forage resources.

Crop Residue Exchange Links Growers and Grazers

August 23, 2021
The Crop Residue Exchange continues to connect livestock producers with crop residue and other forage resources.

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Cattle in pasture
University of Nebraska research has determined that when corn residue is grazed at proper stocking rates, there are small, but positive effects on crop production the following year.

Cattle Compaction in Cropland: Fact or Fiction?

August 23, 2021
Grazing corn residue is a low-cost winter feed for cattle and source of additional income with no negative effects on cropland.

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Wheat stem in field

USDA NASS to Collect 2021 Small Grain Production and Stocks Data

August 19, 2021
During the first two weeks of September, growers of small grains around the country will be contacted by USDA NASS for a survey on the 2021 production and supply of small grains — including wheat, oats, barley and rye.

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Pivot irrigation

Scheduling the Last Few Irrigations of the Season Deserves More of Your Management Time Than Earlier Irrigations

August 19, 2021
University of Nebraska irrigation scheduling recommendations encourage irrigators to allow crops to continue using more of the stored soil water starting in August and continuing into September when the crop matures.

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FarmBits podcast episode banner
Hosted by Samantha Teten and Jackson Stansell — graduate students in UNL's Department of Biological Systems Engineering and Nebraska Extension Digital Agriculture team members — FarmBits Podcast is a weekly series highlighting new innovations and trends in digital agriculture through interviews with academic experts, farmers and industry specialists.

FarmBits Podcast: Seeing is Believing

August 19, 2021
Franklin Peitz, John Deere product marketing manager, shares operation and performance highlights of John Deere's newly available See & Spray Select system, the first public selective spraying system.

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Corn silage
Photo by Jerry Volesky

Pasture and Forage Minute: Corn Silage Strategies

August 19, 2021
With corn silage harvest nearing, extension educators review the highlights of harvest timing and storage, and why an early harvest provides a great opportunity to plant cover crops.

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Carly Whitmore, Indiana NRCS (Flickr/Public Domain)

A Historical Look at Cropping Practices for Carbon Sequestration

August 19, 2021
If passed, the Growing Climate Solutions Act of 2021 would pave the way toward better assistance for farmers interested in participating in a voluntary environmental credit market, including land or soil carbon sequestration.

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