Gary Lesoing

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1824 N St Auburn NE 68305-2395
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Former Nebraska State SARE Coordinator

Twitter: @glesoing2

Patricio Grassini in front of corn field
Patricio Grassini, professor of agronomy and horticulture at Nebraska, is co-leading a two-year project to compile and analyze a comprehensive inventory of global data on potassium for major crop systems around the world. (Photo by Alyssa Amen, NUtech Ventures)

Project to Assemble Global Ag Data on Potassium Deficiencies

December 13, 2023
Potassium-related crop challenges remain poorly understood in many crop-growing regions. A new joint research initiative aims to fill in these knowledge gaps and help producers better address potassium deficiencies.

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Nutrient management calendar banner
Nebraska Extension's nutrient management calendar includes all records required for operations permitted for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and has been approved by the Nebraska Department of Environment and Energy (NDEE).

Nebraska Extension Releases 2024 Nutrient Record-keeping Calendar

December 13, 2023
The nutrient management calendars can help producers keep records of manure handling and the weather that affects its application on the land, as well as yield and fertility records for those fields.

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Corn field at sunset
In a new user-friendly format, UNL's updated nitrogen tool is now accessible via mobile devices, for use anywhere on the farm.

University Releases Web-based Nitrogen Management Tool for Corn Growers

December 13, 2023
Available now on CropWatch, the web-based tool allows users to input data for individual fields to help fine-tune their nitrogen applications, and maximize yield and profitability.

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Cattle eating hay during winter
There are many factors to consider when deciding who should bear the cost of water for cattle grazing cornstalks — Nebraska Extension's NebGuide EC821 can help producers and landowners calculate the costs and come to an equitable solution. See below for more.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Water Costs for Grazing Cattle, Twine in Feed

December 12, 2023
Extension educators share recommendations for calculating the cost of water for cattle grazing on cornstalks, and highlight the risks associated with cattle ingesting twine or net wrap in hay feed.

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Field of sorghum
Participants in the 2023 TAPS Competition tackled some atypical challenges during this year's contest, from hail damage in corn plots to irrigation issues in sorghum. Contestants' strategies to overcome these and other production issues throughout the growing season will be shared during the awards banquet on Jan. 13 in Kearney.

2023 TAPS Competitions to Culminate with Awards Banquet

December 12, 2023
The seventh annual TAPS Competition awards banquet will showcase how participants managed their plots throughout the 2023 growing season amid numerous production challenges.

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Tractor in field
Results from the 2024 Custom Rates Survey will be published by second quarter of 2024.

Custom Operators Invited to Participate in UNL Nebraska Custom Rates Survey

December 7, 2023
Part one of the survey covers spring and summer operations such as tillage, planting and haying, and part two surveys fall operations, including grain harvest, hauling, cutting ensilage and other miscellaneous operations.

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Cattle eating hay during winter
One of the cheapest natural sources of protein, alfalfa hay is highly digestible and can increase consumption of low-quality feeds, making it a great supplement for winter diets.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Considerations for Grazing After Fall Fertilizers, Using Alfalfa as Protein Supplement

December 6, 2023
Extension insights on grazing crop residue following fertilizer applications and using alfalfa as a protein supplement in winter feed.

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Combine harvesting corn field
The annual Crop Production Clinics are customized to address topics specific to the diverse growing areas across Nebraska, allowing attendees to engage with research-based information on the issues that may be faced locally.

2024 Crop Production Clinics Begin Jan. 3

December 5, 2023
The 2024 Crop Production Clinics will provide Nebraska producers with research and training on management of soil fertility, water and irrigation, insect pests, plant diseases, weeds, cropping systems, and agribusiness concerns.

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