Planting Options After Winter Wheat

June 19, 2009 Hail has destroyed winter wheat fields in several areas of Nebraska. Recrop options at this time are limited, but there are still a few if growers act quickly.

Planting options during June include:

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Flaming: A New Weed Control Tool in Organic Crops

June 19, 2009

In 2006 Nebraska ranked 9th nationally in certified organic crop acres (80,000) and 10th in certified organic pasture acres (20,000). Of all agronomic crops, the top ones were

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Buckbrush Control in Pasture

June 19, 2009 Buckbrush (Symphoricarpos orbiculatus) is a native weed common in northeast Nebraska in rangeland, woodland, ravines and near streams. Heavy stands can reduce grass production as much as 80%, especially in dry years, and should be controlled.

Description and Life Cycle

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