Allan Vyhnalek

volunteer, emeriti
Work Filley Hall (FYH) 102
Lincoln NE 68583-0922
Work 402-472-3401 On campus, dial 2-3401
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Allan Vyhnalek has spent over 34 years in Extension working in both Iowa and Nebraska. He is a native of Saline County, Nebraska.Vyhnalek received his Bachelor and Master of Science Degrees from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln in Agricultural Education. He taught in high school and post-secondary classrooms for 8 ½ years prior to joining Extension.<br><br>His current role is as Extension Educator for Farm/Ranch Succession and Transition – state-wide.He works from Ag Economics Department at UNL.<br><br>He has a passion for the future of rural Nebraska. That is why he is interested in helping individuals, groups, and communities understand how good communications, negotiation skills and generational differences relate to how communities and families function as we develop Nebraska for future generations.

Twitter: @arvred73
Allan Vyhnalek has worked in Extension in Iowa and Nebraska for 28 years. A native of Saline County, Nebraska, Vyhnalek received BS and MS degrees from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in agricultural education.  He taught in high school and post-secondary classrooms for 8.5 years prior to joining Extension.
Focus Areas: Farm Management and Ag Economics
Educational Programming: Ag marketing, farm leases, landlord/tenant relationships, farm transition, and estate planning

April-June precip outlook graph

CPC Latest Outlooks Offer Little Drought Relief

March 23, 2022
The latest CPC outlook reports above normal temperatures and below normal precipitation are expected to continue in Nebraska until the end of summer.

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Winter 2021-22 precipitation anomalies graph

Winter 2021-22 Recap

March 23, 2022
According to preliminary findings by the National Center for Environmental Information, the 2021-22 winter season ranked as fourth-driest on record for the state of Nebraska.

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Pasture landscape

Pasture and Forage Minute: Pasture Rental Rates, Cool-season Grass Fertilizer

March 23, 2022
Extension educators review preliminary results from the Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market survey on pasture rental rates, and tips on fertilizing cool-season grass pastures.

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Irrigation systems aerial view
Figure 1. Center pivot irrigation systems dot the landscape along the South Platte River. On the North Platte River, Lake McConaughy reservoir stores water which is later used for irrigation. (Photo credit: Google Earth)

New Article Traces Aspects of the History of Irrigation in the Great Plains and Water Productivity

March 23, 2022
A review of the history of irrigation in the Great Plains region from a geographical, technical and political perspective, as well as how it has impacted water resources.

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Nebraska river map

The 1923 South Platte River Compact and Nebraska Water Rights Webinar

March 23, 2022
Dave Aiken, UNL ag law/water law specialist, examines the South Platte compact and Nebraska’s compact water rights with regard to the proposed Perkins County Canal development.

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Irrigation canal
CropWatch file photo

Water Supply, Weather Updates at the Yonts Water Conference April 12 in Gering

March 22, 2022
This year's conference will feature irrigation water and weather outlooks for the 2022 growing season, as well as irrigation research updates and a meet-and-greet with irrigation district representatives.

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Ag land aerial image
Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication

Nebraska Ag Land Values Up 16%, According to University-led Survey

March 22, 2022
The value of agricultural land in Nebraska increased by an average of 16% over the prior year, to a statewide average of $3,360 per acre — the largest increase in the market value of agricultural land in the state since 2014.

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Calculator with financial papers

Extension Financial Record-keeping Course for Farmers, Ranchers Begins April 18

March 22, 2022
Course participants will work through the financial statements of a case study farm, completing assignments and participating in video chats to learn more about how big changes to their operation will affect their bottom line. 

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