Pasture in Nebraska

2021 Forage Field Day Events Planned for Nebraska, South Dakota

July 22, 2021
This year’s program will focus on both annual and perennial forage systems, looking at traditional corn silage, more novel options like small grain silage, and managing alfalfa survivability. Certified Crop Advisor continuing education units are available.

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USDA to Survey County Small Grains Acreage

July 21, 2021
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will survey producers in 32 states, including Nebraska, to collect information on total acres planted and harvested, and yield and production of small grains crops down to the county level.

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Corn tassels

Nebraska Corn Growth on Schedule, Soybeans Slightly Ahead of Average

July 21, 2021
For the week ending July 18, 2021, corn silking was 54%, equal to the five-year average. Soybeans blooming was 74%, ahead of 62% average.

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Frogeye leaf spot

Corn and Soybean Disease Update: Southern Rust, Frogeye Leaf Spot, and Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot

July 21, 2021
Following identification of southern rust, Phytophthora root and stem rot, and frogeye leaf spot in areas throughout the state, producers are encouraged to scout and be prepared to apply the appropriate fungicide treatments.

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Hail damaged corn
Image 1. July 9 hail damage 10 miles west of Hemingford (corn).

Farmers: Know How to Respond to Hail Damage

July 19, 2021
In the aftermath of the severe hail, farmers have numerous tasks to complete before replanting or destroying damaged crops. CropWatch's Hail Know resource can assist producers with each step of the process.

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Farmer on land
USDA/Flickr (Public Domain)

Ag Land Management, Leasing Workshops Scheduled Across State

July 15, 2021
Nebraska Extension and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Center for Agricultural Profitability will host a series of 12 land management workshops across the state between July 22 and Sept. 8.

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Farmer harvesting field
USDA (Flickr/Public Domain)

Calculating Field Operation Costs with ABC and Setting Harvest Rates

July 15, 2021
Nebraska Extension Educator Glennis McClure reviews the rates reported in the 2020 biennial custom rates report and how to utilize the UNL Department of Agricultural Economics’ new Ag Budget Calculator program.

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Corn field
Igor Haritanovich/Pexels

Impacts of Crop Insurance and Intra-season Hedging on Long-run Net Income Risk

July 15, 2021
Results of a recent study on privately funded tools, such as hedging grain on the futures market, and publicly funded tools, such as government subsidized crop insurance to investigate the role of intra-season hedging strategies and crop insurance.

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