Learn How to Identify and Manage SCN at Sept. 4 Field Day - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information
Farmers and ag professionals can learn how to identify and manage soybean cyst nematode (SCN) at a UNL Extension field day this Thursday (Sept. 4) near Bassett.
Last year, soybean cyst nematodes cost Nebraska soybean growers over $45 million, more than all other soybean diseases combined. If you have SCN in your fields and are not managing it, you contributed to that loss.
Stem and Root Rots in Soybean - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information
Also see this Market Journal segment where the author discusses late season soybean diseases.
High Irrigated Corn-to-Soybean Ratio in Northeast Nebraska - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information
Calls for Research Targeted At Increasing On-Farm Irrigated Soybean Yields
Nebraska Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 12-15 - Soybean Home: CropWatch comprehensive crops site - soybean production and pest management information
The 16th annual Soybean Management Field Days will focus on increasing profits, staying competitive in a global marketplace, and meeting the world's growing food and energy needs starting right here in Nebraska.