NDA: 1,700 Cattle Test Negative for Bovine TB in First Round of Tests

July 1, 2009

All results were negative from the first week of bovine tuberculosis (TB) testing of quarantined herds, according to Nebraska Director of Agriculture (NDA) Greg Ibach. Approximately 1,700 head of cattle were tested June 15-21. Results are still pending for an additional 3,300 head of cattle tested last week.

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Take Precautions Against Mosquitoes to Prevent West Nile Virus

July 1, 2009

In Brief
  • The risk of West Nile virus begins now and will continue until frost.

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Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition Launches Rangeland Monitoring Program

June 26, 2009 The Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition has launched a Rangeland Monitoring Program and has contracted with two rangeland technicians to implement on-site technical monitoring assistance.


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Field Updates from Across the State

June 26, 2009

Randall Saner, Extension Educator in Lincoln and McPherson counties: The wheat is turning yellow and I would expect harvest to start around July 8. This past week the Sutherland and Wallace areas were hit by high winds and hail. Several pivots were overturned and there was some crop damage from the hail.

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USDA: June 28 Nebraska Crop Report

July 1, 2009 For the week endingJune 28, warm temperatures and high humidity helpedpush crop development, according to USDA's NationalAgricultural Statistics Service, Nebraska Field Office. Overthree-fourths of the wheat was turning color and the firstfields have been harvested in the Southeast and South CentralDistricts.

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