Dipak Santra

4502 Ave I Scottsbluff NE 69361-4939
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  • Chair, The 3rd International Millet Symposium 2018, 2018

Faculty Bio

Stained wheat root in microscopic image

How Does Soil Life Contribute to Soil Health?

March 28, 2024
How is healthy soil created? In this article, soil health experts explain how plants and soil organisms interact to compose and decompose organic matter, cycle nutrients, and build the structure of soils.

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Highboy interseeder in field

Highboy Cover Crop Interseeding Project Fall 2023 Updates

March 28, 2024
Researchers share insights from the second year of the study, wherein they experimented with delayed interseeding dates to maximize cover crop establishment.

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Alfalfa field
Even before plants begin to green up, individual plant assessments can be done. While assessment before green-up occurs may seem a bit preemptive, pre-scouting now can focus scouting efforts to problem areas later on when time becomes precious during spring planting.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Strategies to Increase Alfalfa Health, Productivity

March 19, 2024
Extension educators review options for interseeding grasses into alfalfa and assessing alfalfa stand health.

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Alfalfa weevil larvae and plant damage on alfalfa
Alfalfa weevil larvae (pictured at left) spend nearly all their time feeding on fresh leaf tissue, causing alfalfa plants to wilt and turn brown (at right), which can look similar to the effects of drought and cold injury. (CropWatch file photos)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Weevil Scouting, Dealing with Stress

March 12, 2024
Recommendations on scouting for alfalfa weevil in the coming weeks, and resources for ag producers dealing with stress and other impacts to their health and wellbeing.

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Wheat field
Historical crop progress data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Crop Progress: Winter Wheat at 66% Good-Excellent Condition

March 26, 2024
While winter wheat condition improved slightly in March, soil moisture supplies generally decreased.

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Corn field
The Handy Bt Trait Table has been updated for 2024. This reference guide alphabetically lists all trade names for hybrids with Bt traits, and includes Bt protein(s) expressed, targeted insects, refuge requirements and herbicide traits.

Handy Bt Trait Table Updated for 2024 Corn

March 26, 2024
Updated for 2024, the Handy Bt Trait Table can help producers avoid the development of resistance from using the same traits repeatedly and in troubleshooting insect injury or preparing to apply herbicides.

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Grain silos on farm at dusk
The Nebraska Corn Board and Nebraska Soybean Board encourage those who work in and around grain bins to have a plan in place for safety and to properly learn safety steps. With proper safety procedures, grain bin accidents are preventable.

Grain Safety Takes Center Stage: Nebraska Corn Board, Nebraska Soybean Board Promote Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week

March 25, 2024
The Stand Up 4 Grain Safety Week initiative strives to raise awareness among farmers and ag workers about the importance of safety when working in and around grain bins, and overall safety practices on the farm.

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Palmer amaranth in dry beans
Figure 1. Photo of Palmer amaranth abundance in the dry bean only (left) and cover crop (right) plot.

Can Cover Crops Help with Weed Control?

March 20, 2024
UNL's Weed Science Program is investigating the benefits of using winter and spring seeded cover crops to control weeds in dry beans.

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