Fall seeded cover crop field
Figure 1. A fall seeded cover crop such as cereal rye can be a great tool for preventing the emergence of horseweed and other winter annual weed species, as well as suppressing early-season waterhemp emergence.

Final Results from a Multi-state Study on Cover Crop Termination with Herbicides

April 8, 2021
Proper spring termination of cover crops is important in order to be able to plant your cash crop successfully, and to prevent competition between crops. 

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Cover crop termination timing chart

Managing Residual Herbicides with Cover Crops

April 8, 2021
This article discusses the fate of residual herbicides applied to crop residue and living cover crops, and how this may influence herbicide effectiveness.

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Anhydrous application in field
Nebraska farmers working with the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network evaluated ability of nitrification inhibitors to protect N fertilizer, increase yield and profit.

Evaluation of Nitrification Inhibitors through the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network

April 7, 2021
This article summarizes the results of 10 on-farm research studies that evaluated similar inhibitor products. as part of the Precision Nitrogen Management on-farm research project.

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Cattle grazing pasture

Pasture and Forage Minute: Preventing Grass Tetany, Flash Grazing for Early Weed Control

April 7, 2021
Extension specialists share techniques for preventing grass tetany and controlling weeds in warm-season grass pastures, plus a review on pasture rental rates in 2021.

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Oat seedlings in field

Nebraska Winter Wheat Condition Unchanged, Oat Planting is Underway

April 7, 2021
For the week ending April 4, 2021, winter wheat condition rated 5% very poor, 12% poor, 43% fair, 38% good, and 2% excellent.

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Seed corn maggots
Figure 1. Seed corn maggots. (Photo by Jim Kalisch)

Avoiding Injury from Seed Corn Maggot

April 7, 2021
For producers concerned about seed corn maggot, these recommendations could help reduce injury in soybean fields this year. 

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Dicamba damaged soybean plants
These LibertyLink® soybeans show signs of damage after dicamba (XtendiMax®) was applied to a research field during a 2018 project.

Factors to Consider When Multiple Herbicide-Resistant Soybean Traits Coexist

April 6, 2021
Confused about which soybean traits are resistant to dicamba or glufosinate? This NebGuide will help you through the process of making the best decision for your farm.

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Extension educators analyze soybean field
Nebraska farmers can evaluate three soybean management practices aimed at increasing yields by working with the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network.

Three Practices May Help Farmers Achieve Higher Soybean Yields, Profits

April 5, 2021
Results of an on-farm research study that evaluated three management practices — planting date, seeding rate and the use of foliar fungicides and insecticides — to increase soybean yields. 

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