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Crop Protection Network Scouting School

April 29, 2021
Learn how to scout fields for problems with Crop Protection Network's 2021 Virtual Crop Scout School.

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Furrow irrigation in a field
Furrow irrigation using gated pipe in a field of dry edible beans in Scotts Bluff County, Nebraska. Scotts Bluff National Monument is in the background. (Photo by Gary Stone)

Water Law 101: Part 5, More Groundwater — Wells

April 29, 2021
Part 5 of Extension Educator Gary Stone's series on Water Law reviews the concepts and legal doctrines that are used to regulate use of groundwater wells and resolve conflicts between well users.

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Broadleaf cover crop
When using a burndown herbicide to terminate broadleaf cover crops and weeds this spring, planting intervals often may negate the use of many 2,4-D products prior to Enlist E3® soybean planting. (Photos by Amit Jhala).

Which 2,4-D Product Should I Use as a Burndown Before Planting Enlist E3® Soybean?

April 22, 2022
A review of the best production options for growers who are preparing to terminate broadleaf cover crop species and winter annual broadleaf weeds using 2,4-D products.

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Eroded field

Does Grazing Cover Crops Negatively Impact Soil and Crop Yields?

April 29, 2021
Grazing cover crops can be a potential option to re-integrate crops with livestock production and reverse the adverse effects of separating crops and livestock production, despite soil compaction concerns. 

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Soil samples

Can Cover Crops Offset the Negative Impacts of Corn Silage?

April 28, 2021
UNL researchers discerned varied results from a study on reducing soil compaction and wind/water erosion on fields harvested for corn silage by planting cover crops. 

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Powdery mildew on wheat

Scout Wheat Fields for Early Disease Detection

April 28, 2021
The presence of diseases in their early stages of development in research plots indicates that it is time to scout Nebraska wheat fields for early disease detection.

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Alfalfa weevil larvae
Figure 1. Adult and small- to medium-sized larvae of the alfalfa weevil. (Photo by Julie Peterson)

Alfalfa Weevil Surging in Alfalfa Fields

May 8, 2024
Alfalfa weevil larvae have emerged in southeast, south-central and central Nebraska; scouting for this pest is crucial for alfalfa producers over the next few weeks.

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Young soybean plants

Soybean Planting Begins as Corn Gets Underway

April 27, 2021
For the week ending April 25, 2021, soybean planting was at 3%, equal to average, and corn planted was 6%, behind 17% last year and 15% for the five-year average.

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