Seed corn maggots
Figure 1. Seed corn maggots. (Photo by Jim Kalisch)

Avoiding Injury from Seed Corn Maggot

April 7, 2021
For producers concerned about seed corn maggot, these recommendations could help reduce injury in soybean fields this year. 

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Dicamba damaged soybean plants
These LibertyLink® soybeans show signs of damage after dicamba (XtendiMax®) was applied to a research field during a 2018 project.

Factors to Consider When Multiple Herbicide-Resistant Soybean Traits Coexist

April 6, 2021
Confused about which soybean traits are resistant to dicamba or glufosinate? This NebGuide will help you through the process of making the best decision for your farm.

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Extension educators analyze soybean field
Nebraska farmers can evaluate three soybean management practices aimed at increasing yields by working with the Nebraska On-Farm Research Network.

Three Practices May Help Farmers Achieve Higher Soybean Yields, Profits

April 5, 2021
Results of an on-farm research study that evaluated three management practices — planting date, seeding rate and the use of foliar fungicides and insecticides — to increase soybean yields. 

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Conference speakers mugshots

2021 Nebraska Cover Crop and Soil Health Conference Presentations Available Online

April 1, 2021
This year's conference featured seminars on soiling sensing, using aerial imagery to analyze cover crop impacts, optimizing cover crop investments and more.

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calculator and spreadsheet

Cash Flow Versus Profitability

April 1, 2021
Cash flow and profitability are important to an operation, but they are different — learn how, and why these differences are equally significant when building a comprehensive farm management plan.

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2021 Nebraska land values map

2021 Nebraska Farm Real Estate Survey - Preliminary Results Overview

April 1, 2021
The Nebraska Farm Real Estate Market Highlights 2020-21 report includes preliminary results from this year’s real estate survey of expert panel members from across the state.

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Individual signing legal document

How Does Refinancing Affect Your Balance Sheet?

April 1, 2021
Refinancing can be a useful tool for farms and ranches to improve cash flow, but it also impacts your balance sheet. Jessica Groskopf takes a closer look at what changes you should be prepared to see.

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Feedyard in aerial view
Figure 1. Animal Feeding Operation near Lubbock, Texas.

Manure Phosphorus and Water Quality

April 1, 2021
For producers who seek to decrease their dependency on commercial fertilizers, this article reviews proper management of nutrient content of manure, while highlighting phosphorus issues and solutions.

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