USDA: Nebraska Crop Emergence and Condition

June 5, 2009

Table 1. Corn emergence in the Corn Belt. (Source: USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service)

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Tuberculosis Cattle Found in Rock County

June 5, 2009 According to Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA) State A herd of beef cattle in the Rock County area have tested positive for tuberculosis, according to Nebraska Department of Agriculture State Veterinarian Dr. Dennis Hughes.

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UNL Analyzes Data from Test Holes and Helicopter for NRDs

June 5, 2009 This is not your grandmother's water dousing. UNL geologists are analyzing data collected by high-tech helicopter-mounted equipment to pinpoint locations where water is likely to be found.

Helicopter testing for water near Firth

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Skip-Row Planting Sorghum for Improved Drought Tolerance

May 29, 2009

Skip row sorghum test plot near Sidney
Figure 1. Field trial of skip-row sorghum in wheat residue near Sidney.

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