July 31, 2009: Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot in Nebraska Soybeans

July 31, 2009

While there is no fungicide treatment for phytophthora in soybeans, you can limit damage in future years.

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Value of Wheat Seed Treatments

July 31, 2009

Variety Trials

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Risk Management with ACRE Program

July 31, 2009

The August 14 USDA ACRE sign-up deadline is fast approaching and producers are asking themselves:

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Glyphosate Benchmark Study NO. 5

July 31, 2009

Glyphosate Benchmark Study

Benchmark Reports

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Cover Crop Tour

July 31, 2009

Use of cover crops to improve soil fertility will be the major topic of an August 7 tour at the Dennis Demmel farm north of Grant in Perkins County.

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Soybean Management Field Days

July 31, 2009

"Growing Nebraska's Future" is the theme of the 11th annual Soybean Management Field Days Aug. 11-14. The event will focus on staying competitive in a global marketplace, increasing profits and meeting the world's growing food and energy needs starting right here in Nebraska.

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HPAL Field Day

July 31, 2009

Research into dryland, no-till sugarbeets, sunflowers, proso millet and sorghum will be discussed at the Summer Crops Field Day on Aug. 11 at the UNL High Plains Ag Lab near Sidney.

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Market Journal: 7-31-09

July 31, 2009

On this week's Market Journal Extension Host Doug Jose talks with:

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