CropWatch, Jan. 14, 2010: Nebraska Groundwater Level Increases

January 13, 2010

Above-Average Precipitation Causes Groundwater Level Increases Over Much of State

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CropWatch, Jan. 8, 2010: Test Discolored Hay for Heat-Damaged Protein Before Feeding

January 8, 2010

Testing And Feeding Tobacco-Brown Hay

Last summer’s weather caused much hay to be baled too wet and now that hay has heated and turned brown.

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CropWatch, Jan. 8, 2010: Plan Forage Production for Timely and Accurate Activities

January 8, 2010

Starter Schedule for Timely Forage Activities for 2010

With the start of a new year, most of us have an abundance of new calendars. Put one to good use by planning and noting next season's forage activites so work can be completed on a timely basis.

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CropWatch, Jan. 22, 2010: Plant Breeding for Drought Tolerance Short Course

January 22, 2010

A new field-oriented short course, Plant Breeding for Drought Tolerance, will be offered jointly by Colorado State University, the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, and Oklahoma State University in June.

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CropWatch, Jan. 22, 2010: Women in Ag Conference Feb. 25-26 in Kearney

January 22, 2010

Nebraska women will celebrate 25 years of empowering women in the agriculture industry Feb. 25-26 at the Kearney Holiday Inn.

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CropWatch, Jan. 18, 2010: No-till on the Plains Winter Conference

No-till on the Plains Winter Conference January 26-27 in Salina

Half Price Registrations Still Available for First-time Attendees from Nebraska

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CropWatch, Jan. 8, 2010: Grain Sorghum Profitability Seminars

January 8, 2010

Sorghum Cropping Profitability Seminars Jan. 19-21

Meeting Schedule

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