Corn field
Igor Haritanovich/Pexels

Impacts of Crop Insurance and Intra-season Hedging on Long-run Net Income Risk

July 15, 2021
Results of a recent study on privately funded tools, such as hedging grain on the futures market, and publicly funded tools, such as government subsidized crop insurance to investigate the role of intra-season hedging strategies and crop insurance.

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Annual departure from normal precipitation map

Mid-Year Weather, Drought and La Nina Update

July 15, 2021
The distinct periods of above and below normal temperatures are expected to continue in Nebraska. Respectable precipitation events in early August are anticipated.

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Probability of 2021 yield potential map

2021 Corn Yield Forecasts as of July 14

July 14, 2021
Although it is still too early to make strong inferences about end-of-season yields for irrigated corn, there is a relatively high probability for near-average yields for a majority of sites.

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Cattle grazing pasture

Pasture and Forage Minute: Harvesting Quality Hay, Weather Stress on Forages

July 14, 2021
Tips for harvesting quality hay, assessing hail damage in perennial forages, and heat stress effects on alfalfa harvest.

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Hail damaged corn
Corn around V10-11 with leaves stripped due to hail damage. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Making Decisions on Weather-damaged Crops, Summer Grazing Precautions

July 7, 2021
Considerations for selling wheat straw during increased demand, avoiding hazards that accompany grazing summer annual forages, and options for crops that have been severely damaged by wind and hail.

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Goshen/Gering-Fort Laramie supply canal Tunnel No. 1
Image 1. Irrigation water flows through Tunnel No. 1 on the Goshen/Gering-Fort Laramie supply canal in 2021.

Update on 2019 Tunnel Collapse and Canal Washout, Irrigation Water Outlook for 2021

July 13, 2021
Water deliveries by the four major irrigation districts (Pathfinder, Gering-Fort Laramie, Goshen and Farmers) are expected to be near normal. The districts hope to deliver water to growers through the first week in September.

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TAPS field day attendees examine field
Chuck Burr, crops and water extension educator and TAPS team member, (at center in gray shirt and red cap), stands with attendees in a problematic plot at the UNL-TAPS Summer Event Field Day, as they examine and discuss issues during the problematic plot educational activity.

TAPS Hosts Summer Event Field Day

July 13, 2021
Summer Event attendees experienced a variety of hands-on activities, such as examining problematic plots as a group and an agronomic Olympics contest, which connected to the six major decision areas associated with the TAPS educational experience.

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Field day photo
The July 28 SCAL Field Day will focus on field trials and discussions on improved crop production and profitability.

See Latest Field Research at South Central Field Day July 28

July 13, 2021
Current field trials and topics focusing on improved crop production and profitability will be featured during the free field day at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s South Central Agricultural Laboratory.

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