Credit Soil for Nitrate Nitrogen (Save $24/acre)

November 23, 2008

Added profit: $24/acrea

aBased on saving 36 pounds of nitrogen costing $0.67/pound

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Renovate Windbreaks to Bolster Effectiveness

November 21, 2008

As windbreaks age, they deteriorate and simple maintenance may not assure their continued efficiency, said a Nebraska Forest Service specialist.

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Decommissioning Old Wells Protects Water Quality

December 1, 2008

The picturesque windmills that dot Nebraska's landscape can hide some dirty little secrets.

"We all like to see windmills, but few of us stop to think they can contribute to groundwater contamination," said Dave Shelton, a UNL Extension agricultural engineer.

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Several Tax Options Available for Farmers for 2008 Tax Season

December 1, 2008

With just a month before the end of the year, now is the time for farmers to be making tax preparations for 2008, says the Nebraska Farm Business Association director.

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Organic Farming Transition Workshops Dec. 2, 9

November 26, 2008

The Trailblazer Resource Conservation and Development (RC&D) District of Red Cloud is joining with UNL Extension to sponsor two organic farming workshops in December.

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Sustainable Crops and Livestock Systems Workshop set for Dec. 6

November 26, 2008

"Keeping Agriculture Viable for the Next Generation" is the theme of the Sustainable Crops and Livestock Systems Conference scheduled for Dec. 6 at Sidney.

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Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo Dec. 12

November 26, 2008

Soybean production, pest management, and marketing will be among the topics at this year's Nebraska Soybean Day and Machinery Expo scheduled for Dec. 12 in Wahoo.

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