UNL Offers New Turfgrass and Landscape Management Major

May 23, 2008

A new turfgrass and landscape management major at UNL will offer students more insight into the two disciplines.

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Preregistration Urged for Safe Tractor, Machinery Operation Classes

May 23, 2008

Coming up in Sidney, Alliance, Bridgeport, Harrisburg

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Wheat Fungicide Update

May 16, 2008

Also see this week . .
Wheat Disease Update

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Timing Post-Emergence Weed Control In Corn

May 16, 2008

In the coming weeks as your corn gets off to a good start, so will the weeds, competing with the crop for light, water and nutrients. The longer weeds compete with corn, usually the higher the yield losses. The level of yield loss will depend on 

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Recommendations for Controlling Volunteer Corn in Soybean

May 16, 2008


Volunteer corn can be controlled mechanically (eg. inter-row cultivation) or with herbicides.

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