Farmer in wheat field
Historical prospective plantings data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Nebraska 2023 Prospective Plantings

April 6, 2023
According to survey results, Nebraska winter wheat acreage is expected to increase by 17% in 2023, soybeans will remain unchanged, and corn acreage will be slightly down from 2022.

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Barley field
Historical grain stock data for Nebraska is available at USDA.

Nebraska March 1, 2023 Grain Stocks

April 6, 2023
All Nebraska grain stocks as of March 1 were down considerably from 2022, with the greatest deficit in barley at 59% down, followed by sorghum, 51%.

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Missouri River
The 2023 Water for Food Global Conference will be held May 8-11. A special discount is offered for faculty, students and staff at the University of Nebraska. (Photo by Craig Chandler, University Communication)

Water for Food Conference to Address Water and Food Security in a Changing World

April 6, 2023
This year's conference will focus on innovative ways to improve water and food security by increasing farmers’ resiliency to a changing landscape.

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Money in soybeans
According to the latest farm income outlook, production and feed expenses are expected to level off this year, and fuel and oil prices are expected to fall modestly. View the full report at the links below.

Nebraska Net Farm Income 2022-23 Update and Outlook

April 6, 2023
UNL ag finance experts review the latest farm income report, which suggests that Nebraska's net farm income will experience a modest rebound in 2023.

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Alfalfa in sunset
Throughout this webinar, Aiken overviews the functions and goals of the Growing Climate Solutions Act and how producers can find success in the ag carbon credit markets.

Webinar: The Growing Climate Solutions Act

April 6, 2023
UNL Ag Law and Water Law Specialist Dave Aiken offers an overview of the Growing Climate Solutions Act and what it means for agriculture with respect to ag carbon credit markets.

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TAPS attendees

TAPS Program Kickstarts 2023 Competition Season

April 5, 2023
The 2023 TAPS Competition participants will soon make their first decisions of the growing season — watch for updates in the coming months as participants choose their seed varieties, manage nitrogen applications and irrigation, and more.

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Though central and western Nebraska a have a higher risk for grasshopper outbreaks this season, a cool, wet spring would mitigate population growth not only for this growing season, but also the following year.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Alfalfa Seed Selection, Grasshoppers After Drought

April 5, 2023
This week — Reviewing seed selection to avoid anthracnose and Phytophthora root rot, assessing alfalfa stands and predictions on grasshopper populations following the 2022 drought.

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FarmBits episode banner

FarmBits Podcast: Predicting Spores

March 31, 2023
In the latest episode, FarmBits chats with Carlos Pizolotto, a Brazilian plant pathologist who is researching predictive models to prevent and control disease outbreaks in agriculture.

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