Grain sorghum field
Historical crop production reports for Nebraska are available at USDA.

Nebraska Crop Production Report for September 2023

September 14, 2023
While predictions have decreased slightly, grain sorghum is still on track for an exceptional production year in Nebraska, with bushels forecast at 191% above 2022 totals. 

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Soybean field
U.S. soybean acreage is down 4% from last year, and corn acreage is up 7%. View Nebraska's planted acreage in this report.

USDA Forecasts U.S. Corn Production Up, Soybean and Cotton Production Down from 2022

September 14, 2023
According to NASS's Sept. 12 report, U.S. soybean production is down 3% in 2023, while corn production is up 10%.

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Nathan Mueller speaking in corn field
Nathan Mueller, Nebraska Extension water and integrated cropping systems educator, speaks to participants during the 2023 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day.

Nebraska 4Rs Nutrient Stewardship Field Day Featured Crop Nutrient Management Research

September 13, 2023
Throughout the field day, educators shared insights and conducted live demos on optimizing management of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, including via sensor-based fertigation.

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TAPS logo banner

Nitrogen Management Decisions Finalized in 2023 Competitions

September 13, 2023
A summary of the nitrogen (N) decisions made in each 2023 TAPS competition and some conclusions derived from the decisions.

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Map of soybean gall midge infestation locations in Midwest
A total of 164 counties have been documented as infested with soybean gall midge as of Aug. 9, with two new counties located in Kansas and six counties in Iowa.

Soybean Gall Midge Detected Across Nebraska Fields

September 12, 2023
With soybean gall midge emergence dates and locations advancing in the state, Nebraska Extension educators stress the importance of scouting and documenting observations, which can inform ongoing research on management options.  

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Aaron Hird gestures to soil and water samples
Aaron Hird, USDA NRCS state soil health specialist, demonstrates the outcome of different soil health practices with a rainfall simulation to Nebraska Soil Health School attendees at UNL’s Haskell Ag Lab on Aug. 2.

Nebraska Soil Health School: A Success Story of Collaboration and Learning

September 12, 2023
During its inaugural year, the Nebraska Soil Health School educated more than 200 producers and ag industry stakeholders on the latest research and practices for healthy soils to increase crop productivity.

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Cattle grazing field
Cattle grazing cereal rye cover crop near Tecumseh. (CropWatch file photo)

Pasture and Forage Minute: Planning Cover Crops, Testing Hay Quality and Nitrate Management

September 12, 2023
Tips on selecting and planting cover crops, managing nitrate risks while grazing annuals, and preparing hay samples for testing.

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Loading corn silage after harvest
In addition to associated costs, producers considering harvesting drought-stressed corn should also evaluate the impact of doing so on future crop production before making a final decision.

Pasture and Forage Minute: Understanding Nitrate Scores, Corn Silage Pricing

September 6, 2023
Extension educators review the importance of understanding nitrate and nitrate nitrogen scores in forage test results, how to price corn silage to salvage drought-stressed crops, and selecting winter annual forages.

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